The news of trains arriving late in Chandigarh has hit the newsstands. As per the sources, 11 of the trains have been listed to be delayed. This is just the beginning of the winters and the rail traffic has gone messy already. According to the latest media reports, this Monday two of the Shatabdis were delayed due to the fog.
2 Shatabdi and 9-Long Distance Trains Running Late to and From Chandigarh
Along with the commencement of the winter season, the events of train delays have also begun in and from Chandigarh. In the light of recent events, it came forth that 2 Shatabdi expresses along with 9-long distance trains ran late to and from Chandigarh creating a chaos among the travellers. According to the stats of railways, ]department among the 11 delayed trains was the Kalka to New Delhi Shatabdi [Train Number 12006], and New Delhi-Kalka Shatabdi [Train Number 12011].
On Monday due to the poor weather conditions, Kalka-New Delhi Shatabdi [12006] got delayed by 2 hours that is it reached New Delhi at 12:20 PM that was expected to reach around 10:20 AM. Also, the New-Delhi Kalka Shatabdi [12011] delayed by 32 minutes that is it was supposed to reach Kalka at 11:13 AM but instead it reached the destination at 11:45 AM.
This delay occurred due to the changing weather and foggy atmosphere. The passengers have filed a complaint regarding the discomfort they had to face due to delayed trains. All the passengers have been disappointed with this delay as they have paid the hefty fare for their journey. In response to these issues in Chandigarh as well as New Delhi Railway department, the Cheif of the Railways Public Relation department has defined the reason for the delay in the morning Shatabdi. According to the department, the delay accounted in the schedule of the morning Shatabdi was because of the dense fog between Ambala and Panipat zones.
The delay in the schedule of the trains has been a concerning issue in India since long in winters. As this is just the beginning of the winter and 11 trains are already delayed, the issue has become quite disappointing among the people of Chandigarh and even entire country.