Rape of an 8-year girl in Dhakoli, in Zirakpur has shocked Tricity residents. Rape cases against minors are on a rise in India with several rape cases registered in different parts of the country including the recent ones that were reported from Gurgaon and Delhi. The 5-year old’s rape case in Delhi school and the Ryan International sexual assault and murder case in Gurgaon has put to question the safety of children in schools, homes and other places.
Minor girl raped in Dhakoli, Zirakpur
According to reports, an eight-year old girl was raped by a 12-year old boy yesterday in Dhakoli, in Zirakpur. The recent incidents have unearthed the sorry state of child safety not only in the capital of the country but tricity region as well.
The girl, who is a student of Government Elementary School, Dhakoli, was raped in the morning around 8 when she went to a nearby grocery shop to fetch milk. The victim was forcibly raped at a secluded place near her home after the accused found her walking alone.
Accused too, is a minor
The accused has been identified and has been arrested by the Police. It was reported that the 12-year old accused who also lives in the same locality and hails from UP, was playing with his friends before he raped the minor girl. The 12-year old accused has confessed to the crime before the Dhakoli police.
When the boy saw the 8-year old walking alone he raped her after forcibly taking her to a nearby secluded spot. The terrified victim narrated the whole incident to her parents after reaching home when they found her bleeding and asked her the reason. The parents immediately approached the police and filed a complaint against the accused.
Case registered under IPC and POCSO
The accused 12-year old boy has been arrested and is currently in Police custody. The accused hails from UP but was living at Dhakoli for some time. Following a complaint by the victim’s father, the Police have charged the boy and have registered the case under the Indian Penal Code as well as the POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Act. The 8-year old victim’s father is migrant labourer and is residing in Dhakoli with his family.
It has been reported that the girl’s medical reports were awaited though it has been mentioned in the report that victim was bleeding a little bit when she was examined in the hospital and also had injuries on her private parts. The doctors also stated that the minor was in a state of shock after the incident.
Victim’s mother slams Cops for shoddy behaviour
Mother of the victim has accused the police of shoddy behaviour. According to the report, the Mother of the 8-year old has alleged that initially, the cops did not believe their story. She has stated that the victim was bleeding at the police station but the police were hesitant to lodge an FIR against the boy and kept them waiting.
Source: The Tribune