In a recent order passed, the Yogi Aditya Nath Government has ordered all the Madarsas which are located in Uttar Pradesh to follow NCERT (National Council of Educational Research & Training) syllabus. They will begin with the teaching process in either the Hindi or the English Language in spite of using Urdu. Until now, all the Madarsas in Uttar Pradesh made the use of the Urdu language as a medium to make the students study and learn the subjects but now the Government has passed certain orders in relation to the language as well as the books which are to be used and the curriculum which is to be followed by the Madarsas in Uttar Pradesh.
Another order includes the use of the National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT) Books for the students at the Madarsas from now on has been formulated. Check some of the passed changes below.
UP Madarsas & National Council of Educational Research & Training
The Madarsas are known as the minority institutions for education which offer study in the Islamic theology as well as the religious law. As of now, there are as many as 19,000 recognised as well as 560 aided Madarsas which are located in the Uttar Pradesh State. The need for upliftment can be recognised with the modernisation of the Institutions through NCERT.
Thus, the Yogi Government made the use of NCERT Books to be used in all the affiliated schools from the academic session of 2018-2019. As per the order of the Yogi Government, the UP Madarsas are all set to experience some changes related to their course and curriculum.
UP Madarsas To Follow NCERT Syllabus
The Yogi AdityaNath Government has passed the order to prescribe the NCERT course books across the different Madarsas in Uttar Pradesh in accordance with the different suggestions that were proposed by the State Madarsa Board. The students at the Madarsas in Uttar Pradesh shall be learning about the modern issues and thus will be competing with the other schools located off the similar arena which are under National Council of Educational Research & Training.
Whereas, there shall be no change in the syllabus or the curriculum. The NCERT English books for the differently subjects will be covered along with the old Urdu Books. As per the suggestions proposed, NCERT books for subjects like Mathematics and Urdu language books for Science subject will be used for the students to experience a wider scope while learning.