3 Villages from Punjab, Haryana & Chandigarh to Become ‘Clean & Green Model Villages’

In a commendable initiative taken up by the High Court for Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh to develop three villages from the regions to be developed as “Clean and Green Model Villages”, the move has gone real well with the city residents.  Developing three such villages into “Model Villages” by incorporating “Urbanisation” trend and introducing “sustainability” features in the areas, the transformation is going to be phenomenal, just at the thought of it.

About the Model Village Initiative

Taking up the initiative by thinking about the “urban villages” that lie at the countryside of every place, the development cause taken up by the authorities is worth applause we must say. The list of all such villages shortlisted for the project was initially submitted by the UT Administration and states like Punjab and Haryana. The High Court following its own course of motion in the form of “suo motu petition” incorporated to aid rural women in distress for their ‘upliftment and welfare’ selected three such villages, one from each place of Chandigarh, Punjab and Haryana, to undergo the “evolution” process.

The hearing process resumed and following villages were shortlisted as a part of the verdict :

  • Jhanpur village in SAS Nagar (Mohali, Punjab)
  • Bhareili village in Barwala  (Panchkula, Haryana)
  • Khudda Jassu village area in Chandigarh region

Highlights of the Model Village Initiative

The one-of its kind initiative taken up by the High Court aims to deliver much more than it promises. Here are the key features and highlights of the “Clean and Green Model Villages” initiative taken up by the authorities. Take a look :

  • Involvement of NGOs in the initiative
  • Welfare & upliftment of rural women and children
  • Collaboration with architectural students of local colleges
  • Employment opportunities for rural women
  • Children to be provided with resources like toys, books etc.
  • Increase in happiness quotient of rural population

What Changes would be done in “Model Village Initiative” ?

Promising and fancy as it may seem, we are hopeful to see the following transformation process each village would undergo under the initiative. The suggested and featured areas to be introduced while implementing the project would be as follows :

  • Rural women to be encouraged to establish hygienic kitchen in the areas
  • The kitchens aim to provide “food packets” to urban sectors under ‘affordable schemes’
  • Revenue generated to act as income source for many rural women
  • Handicrafts and other areas of interest to be introduced as career options
  • Marketing and selling of produce to be done via social media & other means
  • Charge of village cleanliness to given to women
  • Women to be motivated to produce healthy food, handicrafts etc.
  • Beautification of village areas to be done with aid of architectural student collaborations
  • Students to be encouraged to donate their books, toys and clothes with village children
  • Boosting up of morale and happiness quotient of kids in the rural area

Isn’t it great that hundreds of NGOs working for similar causes collaborating and working under one roof with Governmental and Administration’s aid could do to our society. The mere thought of it fills us up with optimism towards the futuristic approach that the High court is aiming at. Let us join our hands together to contribute “our bit” towards societal development.

“If not we, then whom ? If not Now, then when ?”

Source : HT

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Oberoi Aneesha

A visionary keen on writing her heart out and making content as true calling of her life; Meet Aneesha Oberoi, a Goal-oriented free spirited girl whose passion is to write and is an engineer by profession. You may reach her at hello@chandigarhmetro.com
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