Nowadays the incidents of carjacking are increasing in Chandigarh. In a recent incident of car robbery, four persons took away a new MPV Toyota Innova Crysta. The robbers pointed a gun at the driver and took away the Innova Crysta on the road between sector 33 and 45 on the last Saturday night. This is the third case of car robbery in the last 10 days.
Police told that the person driving the car was identified as Jagdeep Singh who is a taxi driver by profession. Jagdeep was returning to the Sector 46 taxi stand when the robbers met him around 2 am. The vehicle was used with a temporary number CH 05 T 9372.
How the Car Robbery took place
As Jagdeep Singh came to the road between the Sector 33 and Sector 45, a silver-colored car, Tata Indica hit the Innova from behind to stop him intentionally. When Jagdeep came out of the MPV to check out what had happened, four persons got off the Indica one of them holding a pistol, threatened him. They snatched the keys of his MPV and fled away within seconds.
Two of the persons escaped in the Innova Crysta while their accomplices fled away in the Indica. Jagdeep failed to note the registration number of their Indica car. After the car robbery incident, Jagdeep rushed to the taxi stand and the reported the incident to the police. Manjit Singh who is the owner of the Innova said that he had purchased the MPV recently on December 11.
Manjit Singh said that the driver Jagdeep didn’t retaliate as the car robbers were carrying a pistol and could have harmed him. The UT police arrived on the spot and recorded the statement of the taxi driver. Police suspect that the robbers escaped towards Mohali. UT Police also informed about the incident to their counterparts in Mohali and Panchkula.
Two recent cases of Car Robbery in Chandigarh
Chandigarh Police had registered the case of robbery in the Sector 34 police station. To help identify the accused, police also showed pictures of criminals from police record to the driver Jagdeep Singh. Another two carjacking incidents took place on December 8 and December 10. On Dec 8, four persons kidnapped the victim and robbed his SUV at gunpoint. Two of the four accused were known to the victim. In another incident on Dec 10, two persons robbed the car from a cab driver near Kaimbwala.