4 Hookah Bars in Chandigarh Have Been Closed Down | More Under Scanner

Under the Poison Act instituted in 1919, selling of nicotine products is illegal, and in light of this act 4 Hookah bars in Chandigarh have been banned. As far as the news extends, 4 Hookah bars that are sealed by the Chandigarh department were dealing in nicotine. According to several media sources, a letter has been posted to the Chandigarh Station House Officers, instructing them to take severe actions on account of the Poison Act 1919. This Poison Act issued in 1919 states that selling nicotine and nicotine products in India is against law.

As per the instructions, the Station House Officers has been scrapping through Chandigarh Hookah Bars in every nook and corner. As per the updates, 4 of the Hookah Bars have been closed for the time duration of 1 year.

4 Hookah Bars in Chandigarh Shut-Down, 5 On Their Way to Shut-Down

According to the Section stating the Poison-Act instituted in 1919, selling of the nicotine and any nicotine product is illegal in India. Under this act, Chandigarh Station House officers have been raiding the Hookah Bars throughout the city. As per the media reports, 4 Hookah Bars have already been closed. As per the recent updates, 5 of the Hookah bars have been mentioned in a list that is waiting for the test results to come out. State Tobacco Control Cell that is STCC has been regularly conducting raids at different Hookah Bars in Chandigarh.

According to the reliable source, 4 Hookah bars that have been sealed in Chandigarh were all located in Sector 26 of Chandigarh. According to the test results of the samples collected by the STCC from these 4 Hookah Bars were found containing Nicotine Content. The relevant actions were taken under the COTPA Act that is Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products act instituted in 2003.

According to the STCC, 24 raids have been conducted throughout Chandigarh Bars and the samples from several bars are still to be tested. And according to the UT Police and STCC department, if the test results from these bars come out to be positive then strict actions will be taken against those bars. As per the words from the officials of STCC, Chandigarh has zero tolerance for the Tobacco and strict actions will be undertaken if a violation of the law is seen in the city.

Since past 1 year, Chandigarh STCC department has been working really hard to free the city from Nicotine. 4 Hookah bars have been sealed by STCC. Test results of samples from many others bars is still waiting.

Source – Indian Express 


Vaishali Sonik

Vaishali.M.Sonik is a passionate writer, who loves to explore and create awareness among people around her. With the ulterior motto of spreading her words around the world to make a difference, Vaishali turned her entire career around from being a M.tech graduate to becoming a full-time writer. Believing in the major principles of hard work and growth, she is paving her path towards being known. Vaishali Sonik says that " There are loads of de-motivations but finding the one right motivation can help you achieve what you desire, It might delay but will never fade". You can reach Vaishali at hello@chandigarhmetro.com
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