4 Untrue Statements Corrected About CBD Oil

Over the past few years, a lot of falsehood regarding CBD and its origins and effects. This doesn’t deter the ever-growing testimonies nor the skeptics about the product. In fact, the hype and rage were so profound that CBD had become mainstream (read more), reports say. A quarter of the US population says they have used the product and 7 out of 10 say they use it religiously.

It doesn’t mean these rumors shouldn’t be debunked. For the sake of hemp suppliers, CBD companies, and you—the customer—such statements should be corrected. No matter what kind of information it is, it should be correct. Spreading misinformation will only harm a bigger system we all aren’t aware of. With that said, read on for a quick overview of Cannabidiol and its 4 untrue statements corrected.

The Origin OF CBD Products

It all starts with a compound called Cannabidiol, also famously known as CBD. It is one of the many (112, all in all) cannabinoids found in cannabis, like hemp and marijuana. However, the latter has less Cannabidiol than the former, having abundant amounts of THC in its cannabinoid count instead. There is a reason why THC isn’t desired for cannabidiol products, one of them being legality.

Hemp has a 55% cannabidiol count, and the rest goes to the other cannabinoids. There is around less than 5% THC in its biological framework, which is already very low by many standards. It is why hemp became a source of Cannabidiol for their products, and marijuana is not. Not to mention marijuana is a schedule 1 substance, while Cannabidiol is a schedule 5.

CBD companies are careful not to add in more than the legal dosage of THC in their formula, should they decide on it. However, Cannabidiol companies, like Cheefbotanicals, believe in being organic make sure not to let a single gram of THC pass through their manufacturing process. Why are they so opt to remove it? It is because THC (or Tetrahydrocannabinol) is a psychoactive compound.

THC is the reason why marijuana is a highly restricted drug. Being psychoactive means, it can manipulate rationality and clarity of mind. If abused, it can lead to undesired results, like an overdose or an accident. Customers that take CBD for their ailments don’t want to get ‘high” while they’re doing daily tasks. It proves to be an inconvenience, both for working and non-working clients.

Not to mention some clients can have surprise drug tests at work and having a trace of THC won’t do anyone good. They’d be especially troubled if it happened in a state that banned marijuana. Some users are children as well, and even animals. To the latter, THC can be extremely dangerous once ingested, and CBD meant for human consumption should never be offered to them.

The 4 Untrue Statements

  • CBD Is A Cure-all/Dupe

This is the most common belief among the skeptics, naysayers, and/or fanatics. To be clear, CBD is not a cure-all. It can’t be a miracle drug for cancer, nor can it serve as a permanent replacement for pharmaceutical products unless prescribed by a doctor. 

Cannabidiol is also not a dupe. It is a product with many potentials (study found here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3202504/) when it comes to health. Whether it be for pain, insomnia, anxiety, or an immune system boost, Cannabidiol can most likely find its niche with many users.

  • CBD And Marijuana Are The Same 

As stated above, CBD is not marijuana, but it can be a part of it. While Cannabidiol is a compound, marijuana is a plant. What others might have meant is that Cannabidiol is psychoactive, which it isn’t. It’s the one cannabinoid that gives something without backfiring the user with consequences.

  • CBD Is Illegal

Cannabidiol is a schedule 5 drug, meaning it is among the least restricted substances. What is genuinely illegal is THC, which is a schedule 1. Not only can marijuana not be grown, but it also can’t be used for any reason possible (in states that have banned it). It has a legal threshold of 0.3% and below mandated by the FDA, however.

  • CBD Is Not Metabolized By The Body

A very untrue statement. There is something called the ECS (endocannabinoid system) in charge of our body’s homeostasis in our bodies. It has endocannabinoids and receptors as part of its structure, and when Cannabidiol enters the body, it immediately latches on to the receptors. The desired therapeutic effect is then stimulated through the ECS.


Ajay Deep

Ajay Deep is a young enthusiast who Loves Chandigarh and is always eager to make this beautiful city even more beautiful. A Mechanical Engineer By Chance and Working in an IT MNC by Choice. A Writer, Photographer and a Budding Entrepreneur. A Designer, Developer and Digital Marketing Expert. In brief : A Jack of All Trades and Master of Few :) You may reach Ajay Deep at ajay@chandigarhmetro.com
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