A car near the Samadhi Gate in Manimajra was set on fire by a group of unidentified people late at night on Monday. A 40-Year old man named Irfan who also goes by the name Musa was sleeping inside the car when the incident occurred. Irfan has suffered critical burn injuries and is currently being treated in PGI Chandigarh. According to sources, the Manimajra man has suffered burns on 50% of his body.
What is the Manimajra Car Fire incident all about?
The Maruti Suzuki Zen car belonged to a Manimajra resident Jai Singh and was in a pretty bad condition. Jai Singh had planned to sell the car to scrap dealer in future. Meanwhile, he had parked the vehicle outside the Samadhi Gate and had also allowed Irfan (Musa) to sleep in the car since he was homeless. Musa was a daily labourer and had no place to stay.
The Manimajra Police got a call from a passerby around 10:30 PM and rushed to the spot along with a Fire truck. By the time the Police reached the spot Irfan had fallen unconscious and had already suffered burns on 50% o f his body. Irfan had been living in the Manimajra car for more than a year and had some household items like a blanket inside.
Why was the Manimajra vehicle set on fire?
The Manimajra Police has no leads in the incident so far and is yet to investigate the case. Musa who also goes by the name Irfan could not see anybody lighting the Maruti Zen on fire as he was tired asleep when the incident happened. The shocking thing about the hideous act of some individuals in Manimajra is that it is still unclear if it was a hate crime or someone had a personal grudge against Irfan.
Chandigarh and its surrounding areas like Panchkula and Manimajra which were once considered one of the safest areas in the country have been witnessing an increase in the crime rate in the past few months. Just two days ago a 21-Year old girl was gangraped by an auto driver in Sector 53 when she was travelling for her PG in Mohali from her coaching in Sector 37 Chandigarh.
Source: TOI
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