The Mohali Police have arrested a Mumbai resident at the Chandigarh International airport for carrying Diamond jewellery worth Rs 5 crore. According to the report, the Police have seized three boxes from the accused at the at Chandigarh airport carrying the diamond jewellery which is estimated to be above Rs 5 crore.
Articles found in the boxes seized by the Mohali police at the Chandigarh International airport
It has been reported that the Mohali Police seized three boxes at the Chandigarh International airport. As per the report, one of the boxes contained 74 diamond rings, the second box had about 21 items which also included jewellery sets and the third box had 54 items which include 24 necklaces, some pairs of earrings and few other such items. The report also mentions that the diamond jewellery that has been seized by the Mohali police at the Chandigarh International Airport is worth nearly Rs 5 crore.
He was carrying Jewellery worth Rs 5 Crore that was seized at the Chandigarh Airport
The accused who was arrested by the Mohali police for carrying jewellery worth 5 crore has been identified as Manish Bandi. Manish Bandi is a resident of Mumbai and resides at the upscale Mumbai locality Santa Cruz. The accused was travelling by Indigo airlines and had landed at the Chandigarh international airport where he was arrested by the Mohali police.
Accused detained, questioned by Mohali police
The accused, Mumbai-based Manish Bandi was detained inside the Chandigarh airport on a tip-off. It has been reported that the accused was carrying three boxes of jewellery while travelling from Hyderabad via Delhi. The boxes that were seized by the Mohali police contained diamond rings, necklaces, pairs of earrings, jewellery sets and other diamond items.
During interrogation Manish Bandi maintained that he was a businessman and deals in diamond jewellery. He also maintained that he had been carrying the diamond jewellery, worth 5 Crore, that was seized at the Chandigarh international airport, for an exhibition. But when the police confirmed there was no such lifestyle exhibition in the city. Besides this, the accused could not even produce any such documents to show that he was carrying the jewellery for an exhibition and he actually owned the diamond jewellery.
Source: Hindustan Times