This year on account of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations, the government has fixed the dress allowance for the Indian Armed Forces. As of now, the decision was alright, but recently the armed forces have shown their disagreements with this decision. The armed forces now want to get back to the previous arrangement with the government in which they were provided with the dresses instead of the cash allowance for them.
7th Pay Commission | Armed Forces need Uniforms Instead of Cash Allowance
As per the latest changes, the government stopped providing the dresses to the armed forces, instead, they are now paying cash allowance for the same. The decision of paying cash allowance was accepted before, but recently the armed forces personnel have asked the government to lay back on the previous arrangement of providing uniforms under 7th pay commission. According to the sources, the officials are facing trouble maintaining their uniforms as there are multiple uniforms for different occasions.
Earlier the government was paying troops in different services allowances allowance like kit maintenance allowance, shoe maintenance, robe maintenance and washing maintenance. But on the recommendation of 7th Pay Commission all these allowances were merged under one “Dress Allowance”. Under this Dress allowance the officers are paid Rs. 20,000 and soldiers are paid Rs. 10,000 per year.
Why Armed Forces Recommending to Lay Back on Old Norms for Dress Allowance?
Regardless to the 7th Pay commissions changes, the armed forces are now again planning on requesting the government to implement the old rules. According to the officials, it is quite a challenging task to maintain all the uniforms for all occasions in the budget as the dresses turn out to be quite expensive. According to the sources, the armed forces is soon going to request back the old system of dress allowance from the government.
It has been observed that many officials have found it expensive to manage in the annual dress allowance and soon they are going to request 7th Pay commission to recommend the government to implement the old norms and rules in respect to the dress allowance. So, let’s see what 7th Pay Commission brings to the table.
Source – India Today