Amrit Maan & Neeru Bajwa announced the release date of their upcoming Punjabi movie Aate di Chiri. Recently Amrit Maan & Neeru Bajwa launched the [oster of new Punjabi movie Aate di Chidi that depicts the story of a son & his mother relationship. Now the actors have shared the release date of the much-awaited movie of Punjabi industry Aate di Chiri featuring Amrit Maan & Neeru Bajwa in lead for the first time.
Harry Bhatti will be directing the movie under the banner of Teg Production. Although Aate di Chiri will be the debut Punjabi movie of Amrit Maan as a lead character, where he will share the screen with Neeru Bajwa, Karamjit Anmol, BN Sharma, Sardar Sohi & many more. Check out the details regarding the shoot & release date of Aate di Chidi movie below.
Details of Neeru Bajwa & Amrit Maan’s upcoming Punjabi movie Aate di Chidi
Star cast have started with the shoot of the upcoming coming Punjabi movie Aate di chiri in different locations of Punjab & Canada. Although from a comedy genre but the poster of the latest Punjabi movie Aate di Chidi gives the feel of sweet emotion.
Cast: Neeru Bajwa, Amrit Maan, Karamjit Anmol, BN Sharma, Gurpreet Ghuggi, Sardar Sohi, Harby Sandhu & more.
Producer: Charanjit Singh
Director: Harry Bhatti
Music: Jaidev Kumar
Release date: 19th October 2018
After the success of Laung Laachi, Neeru Bajwa fans have been waiting for her recently announced Punjabi movie Aate di chidi along with Punjabi singer Amrit Maan.
Release date of Aate di Chidi (New Punjabi movie) starring Neeru Bajwa & Amrit Maan
Queen of Pollywood (Neeru Bajwa) & King of Punjabi music industry (Amrit Maan), isn’t the jodi is too cool to watch on silver screen?. For sure the fans of Neeru Bajwa & Amrit Maan will be eagerly waiting to see them on screen in the Punjabi movie Aate di chiri. Harry Bhatti’s directorial Aate di Chidi will be released on the occasion of Dusherra 2018 i.e 19th October.
Cast & crew of upcoming Punjabi movie Aate di Chidi has started the shoot for the same & very soon the official trailer of the movie will be released on youtube. Till the time keep surfing for further updates of latest Punjabi movie Aate di Chidi starring Neeru Bajwa & Amri Maan.