Giving Chandigarh residents another reason to smile, the administration has organized an adventure sports carnival by the name AdventureGarh here at exhibition ground in Sector 34. This is a first of its kind carnival where people will be able to experience adventure sports in Chandigarh. The event has been organized by Chandigarh Tourism, CITCO (Chandigarh Industrial and Tourism Development Corporation) in association with Chandigarh Administration.
Chandigarh lacks in adventure sports activities in the city and in order to boost tourism, CITCO has planned this exclusive adventure sports carnival in the month of April 2015.
The charges of each activity have been been fixed to prevent vendors from charging more than the specified prices. Prices were fixed in the tender issued by Chandigarh Tourism. The highest price is for bungee jumping which has been set to Rs. 2000 per person while the prices for all other activities range from Rs. 100 to 500.
Adventure Garh 2015: Adventure Sports Carnival Details:
Date: 22nd April (Wednesday) to 26th April (Sunday).
Venue: Exhibition Ground, Sector 34, Chandigarh
Timings: 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Activities at Adventure Sports Carnival:
Hot Air Balloon
Rock Climbing
Zip Line
Paint Ball
Bungee Jumping
Mountain Bikes
Water Zorbing
Commando Net
and Many More…
[one_half]Musical Performances:
Satinder Sartaj
Jasleen Royal
Sushmit Sen Chronicles
Swastik The Band
and Many More…
[/one_half][one_half_last]Other Attractions:
Food Fiesta
Unlimited Dare
Fashion Kaleidoscope
Exotic Dance Forms
Musical Performances
[/one_half_last][button color=”orange” size=”medium” link=”” icon=”” target=”false”]Click To View the Rate List of all 27 Adventure Sports Activities[/button]
This page will be updated with latest information about each activity and its price. Keep Watching!
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