Telecom operator Bharti Airtel has launched a new offer under which it is giving free 90GB data. The free 90GB data of Airtel 4G is not valid for all customers but is valid for all those users who buy the recently launched Moto X4 smartphone. Yes, this is true. Airtel 4G is giving free 90GB 4G data to all those customers who will buy Moto X4 smartphone. The Total free data in this offer is 90GB for 6 months. The monthly Airtel 4G free data is 15GB and this new offer of Airtel is valid for 6 months. Here are the full details of Airtel 4G Latest offer of 90GB Data. Check this out.
Airtel 4G Free 90GB Data Offer on Moto X4
Under the new offer of Airtel 4G on Moto X4, the company Airtel is giving free data. The monthly free data on Moto X4 phone is 15GB and the offer will be valid for 6 months which makes the total free data to 90GB. The offer is valid for all prepaid and postpaid Airtel users. If you are Airtel prepaid customers you will have to recharge your number with Airtel 349 plan for 6 months to get the offer. Under the 349 plan of Airtel company is giving 42GB data with a daily limit of 1.5GB. With this new offer total data will turn out to be 57GB (42GB pack data + 15GB extra data).
And if you are a postpaid customer than you must be the user of any Airtel myPlan infinity plan of Rs.499 or above. Look if you have 399 postpaid plan of Airtel then you are not eligible for this latest offer from Airtel.
Procedure to Get Airtel 4G Free 90GB Data on Moto X4
To get the free data offer of Airtel, customers of Airtel will have to follow these steps –
– First of all, insert you Airtel 4G sim in Moto X4.
– Download the My Airtel App and open it.
– Open the app and enter all details to log in.
– You will see an option Claim Now. Click on that.
– After clicking on Claim Now your free data will be credited to your account.
Moto X4 Smartphone Specifications
Moto X4 smartphone was launched in India last week on 13 November. The phone comes with an octa-core Snapdragon 630 processor. The phone has a display of 5.2 inches with a resolution of 1080×1920 pixels. The display of the phone is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass protection. Moto X4 comes with 3GB RAM with 32GB storage and 4GB RAM with 64gB storage. The phone runs on Android 7.1.1 Nougat operating system.
On the back of Moto X4, there is a dual camera with a 12MP primary sensor and 8MP secondary sensor. For selfies and video calling, there is a 16MP camera. The phone gets its power from 3000mAh battery.
Source – TT