The famous dialogue “Atta Majhi Satakli” had won many hearts and accolades to the actor Ajay Devgn whereas it will now be the turn for Parmish Varma to shine in the character of Singham in its Punjabi remake. Yes, you heard it right, the Punjabi remake of the Bollywood blockbuster movie Singham has hit the floor already and is scheduled to release across India in the year 2019.
Punjabi remake of Ajay Devgn’s Singham featuring Parmish Varma
Recently, Ajay Devgn on the occasion of his birthday released a poster of Punjabi Singham by sharing a post on his Twitter handle with all the star cast. According to the poster released, the ‘Gaal Ni Kadni’ fame, Parmish Varma, the Punjabi singer-turned-actor will play the character of the male protagonist, Singham in the remake. The poster reads as Parmish Varma in & as Punjab Da Sher (Tiger of Punjab) Singham. The Punjabi remake of Singham will be co-produced by Kumar Mangat Pathak, Abhishek Pathak and Munish Sahni of Omjee Group.
Here below is the tweet made by Ajay Devgn on his official account.
Punjab Da Sher@ParmishVerma @KumarMangat @AbhishekPathakk @ADFfilms @PanoramaMovies @OmjeeGroup
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) April 2, 2018
More details about Parmish Varma and the movie
Well, Ajay Devgn is not alone to confirm the soon releasing Punjab Da Sher Singham. Even Parmish Varma could not hold back himself from sharing it on the social media. He has shared the same poster on his Instagram account and has mentioned himself to be lucky for having such an opportunity.
Singham was South’s one of the great blockbuster movies, whose Bollywood remake was directed by Rohit Shetty and Ajay Devgn play the character of a supercop, Bajirao Singham who is brave and fights for justice. Now the upcoming, Punjab Da Sher Singham will be the second remake in the series and Parmish Varma is expected to give his hundred percent in Ajay Devgn’s most ambitious project.
The other star cast including the actress and other actors in the movie are yet to be announced officially. For more details on the Punjab Da Sher Singham, all of the media houses are looking forward to an announcement made by Ajay Devgn who is presenting the Punjabi remake of the superhit Bollywood movie, Singham.