Padmavati actor Ranveer Singh is all set to set into the shoes of Akshay Kumar in the sequel of his 2008 superhit ‘Singh Is King’. Though, the talks about Ranveer Singh replacing Akshay Kumar for the role of Sher Singh in the to be directed and produced sequel of ‘Singh Is King’ are on, reports confirm the news that Ranveer Singh seems keen on playing ‘Sher Singh’ and thus replace Akshay Kumar only on one particular condition. In order to know the condition on which Ranveer Singh will be replacing superstar Akshay Kumar in the sequel of ‘Singh Is King’, srcoll down!
Singh Is King Sequel | Know Ranveer’s Condition To Replace Akshay Kumar
The sequel of ‘Singh Is King’ will be on floors as soon as the final cast and crew of the sequel gets finalized. The new producer of the ‘Singh Is King’ franchise seems to be keen on having Ranveer Singh as the male lead. On being questioned about him replacing actor Akshay Kumar in his franchise, Ranveer who shares a good bond with him quoted that he will be playing the part of ‘Sher Singh’ in the movie only if his decision gets approved by the former actor himself.
Some of the sources also revealed that the ‘Lootera’ movie actor likes the whole idea and concept of the movie and will do it if actor Akshay Kumar is all okay with the replacement.
Why Did Akshay Kumar Starrer ‘Singh Is King’s’ Sequel Get So Late
The superhit Rom-Com of 2008 – ‘Singh Is King’ which starred Akshay Kumar and Bollywood diva Katrina Kaif in the main roles managed not only a good return at the Box Office for the production team but also established as a benchmark venture in the careers of many Bollywood stars which were ropped in for the movie. ‘Singh Is King’ was a result of Vipul Shah’s production and Anees Bazmee’s direction who experienced a fallout in the same year and therefore, the movie took so long to have a franchise.
The movie will be titled as ‘Sher Singh’ and will be produced by Shailendra Singh under Anees Bazmee’s direction. Also, the new producer Shailendra Singh is keen and clear on having Ranveer Singh to play the role of Sher Singh. This is the second movie whose franchise has been missed by Superstar Akshay Kumar. Another of the star’s superhit ‘Namastey London’s’ franchise slipped from his hands.
Source : India Today