Uttar Pradesh Civil Court Staff Recruitment 2017 has invited application form for the posts of Stenographer, Clerks, Drivers, Tubewell Operator, peon, Farrash, Chowkidar, Sweeper, and Waterman. These are the vacancies listed in the Allahabad High Court various posts notification. interested candidates who want to apply for various posts in Allahabad High court vacancies can apply online on the official website of Allahabad High Court.
Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017 – Total vacancies
There are total 4386 vacancies in the Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017. The vacancies in Allahabad Court are divided into categories which include Stenographer, Clerks, Drivers, Tubewell Operator, peon, Farrash, Chowkidar, Sweeper, and Waterman. For the post of Stenographer in Allahabad High Court, there are 543 Vacancies. For the post of Clerk in Allahabad High Court, there are 1786 vacancies. For Group C post(Driver Post) in Allahabad Court, there are 37 vacancies. And lastly, For Group D posts in Allahabad High Court, there are total 2020 vacancies. These vacancies in Allahabad High Court are tentative and may be changed.
Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017 – Education Qualification & Age Limit
For each post the education qualifications and age is different. For the post of Stenographer in Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017, the minimum age is 18 years and maximum age is 40 years. Education Qualification is graduation with Diploma and Certificate in Stenography with CCC certificate by DOEACC. For the post of Clerks in Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017, the minimum age is 18 years and maximum age is 40 years. Candidate must have intermediate with CCC certificate by DOEACC and speed of 25/30 words per minute on Computer or Typewriter.For Group C (Driver)posts in Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017, the minimum age is 18 years and maximum age is 40 years.
Candidate must have passed High School and must have a Driving Licence for 4 wheeler. For the Group D posts in Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017, the minimum age is 18 years and maximum age is 40 years. Candidate applying for the post of Tubewell operator in Allahabad High Court Recruitment must have passed the 8th class and have ITI certificate. for Process Server, Candidate must have passed 10th class. For Sweeper candidates, applying must have 6th class passed. For all other posts in Group D, the minimum 8th class is required.
Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017 – Important Dates
Candidates applying for the all vacant posts in Allahabad High Court will remember these dates. The Filling of Online Application form for High Court Recruitment in Allahabad will start from 2 August. The last date to apply online is 22 August. Date of the exam will be noticed on the admit card of the exam.
Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017 – How To Apply and Application Fees
Application fees for the posts of Stenographer and clerks in Allahabad High Court is Rs..750 for general and OBC candidates and for SC/ST the fees are Rs.500. For other posts in Allahabad High Court Recruitment the fees for General Candidates is Rs.500 and for SC/ST candidates the fees is Rs.300. Candidates will have to pay the examination fees via online mode by Credit/Debit card or Net banking. Candidates can apply Online for all the vacant posts online on the official Website of Allahabad High Court. Read the official notification for Allahabad High court posts here <<<Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2017 notification>>>