Earlier this month Amazon had announced that its Amazon Prime Video India service will end its introductory offer in a few days. The introductory offer used to cost 499 Indian Rupees for the service while the original price was supposed to be 999 Rupees. We expected the introductory offer to end in a month of the launch but Amazon offered it for way over a year. The Amazon Prime Video India introductory price is finally being revised to the otherwise original 999 Rupees now. You can be an Amazon Prime Video India subscriber for 999INR for a year which honestly is still one of the most competitive compared to other streaming services.
Amazon Prime Video competitors in India:
The Amazon Prime Video was launched in India last year at a price of 499 Rupees a year. It also offered the new customers a chance to try out the service for free for an entire month. In comparison, Netflix costs anything between 500 to 900 a month. The 500 plan does not offer the content in HD quality. Hotstar is another streaming service that rivals the Amazon Prime Video India for a monthly rental of 199 Rupees a month. Hotstar barely has any content of its own but relies heavily on its partnership with HBO which produces shows like Game of Thrones and Westworld.
Recently a new on-demand video streaming service called HOOQ launched in India and offers great content at a very competitive price of 89 Rupees a month. This makes the service on par with Amazon Prime Video India which costs 999 a month after 30th of October.
Amazon Prime Service is arguably the best service in terms of content too:
Amazon offers great content of its own like the Mozart in the Jungle and The Girlfriend Experience. Other famous shows like How i met your mother and Prison break are also available in the catalogue. Amazon Prime Video in India also ranks best in terms of Bollywood movies and exclusively showcases movies like Lipstick under my burkha and the recently released Simran.
Along with the Amazon Prime Video service in India, the users automatically get subscribed to Amazon Prime on its e-commerce shopping wesite. The benefits of being a prime member on Amazon India translate to early access for lightning deals as well as flash sales. The users also get free one day and two day delivery option which otherwise costs 90 Rupees per order.
Amazon Prime Membership Will Now Cost Rs. 999 But You Can Still Get it at Rs. 499 For 3 Days
Source: Fonearena