The renowned smartphone brand, Apple has planned to launch the ‘Made in India’ iPhone SE 2 before schedule in 2018. As per the information to media, the Taiwanese Original Design Manufacturer [ODM] Wistron company located in Bangaluru is going to manufacture the iPhone SE successor. Also, as per the Wistron sources, iPhone SE 2 is going to be launched in the first quarter of the year 2018.
iPhone SE 2 in the Manufacturing Pipeline in Bangaluru
The original manufacturer of iPhone SE series has now been currently working on the new SE model that is ‘made in India’ iPhone SE 2. According to the manufacturing reports the new iPhone SE 2 can be expected to launch in the coming year of 2018. Through this low-end production of iPhone SE range of models, Apple enjoys the low tariffs. Also, as the production is carried out in India the rates of these low-end iPhone models are also less. As far as the potential market for this new iPhone SE 2 goes, Apple is targeting the Indonesia and the rest of the Southeast Asia excluding India.
According to the recent updates, the price of the iPhone SE 2 can be expected to be $450 that is Rs. 29,200.
Apple has started the production of iPhone SE model in India last year only with the motto of providing low rate versions of iPhone. According to the FDI policy instated in India, any foreign company who intends to produce goods in the country need to manufacture 30 percent of the product’s components locally and that is where the Cupertino company comes in picture. To go by this law, Apple is going to market the new iPhone SE 2 through Cupertino Company.
Some Specs of the New iPhone SE 2 coming in 2018
If the recent reports are to be believed this second generation iPhone SE model is going to be embedded with the Apple’s A 10 fusion chip. This A 10 Fusion chip is the one that is used in iPhone 7 and iPhone 2 plus. This new device can also be expected with 2GB RAM. This new iPhone SE 2 is going to be produced in two different variants that are 32GB and 128GB internal storage. Coming to the camera, the device is going to be equipped with a 12MP rear camera and 5MP front camera and is going to powered by 1700nAh battery.
Let’s see if this new upcoming iPhone SE 2 is going to be embedded with the features that are rumored around.
Source – NDTV