Are Online Casinos Legal In Chandigarh?

The online gambling industry is booming, with online casinos proving to be a go-to option for many casino gamers at the moment. Not only do these types of casinos serve up an extensive selection of table games and classic slot titles which many gamers are keen to utilise, but they provide people with the opportunity to win real-life money too. Are online casinos actually legal in Chandigarh, though?

Thanks to the introduction of the Public Gaming Act of 1867, gambling activities in what’s described as “public gaming houses” have been banned throughout India, although the rules are clearly outdated and have therefore failed to have been updated to incorporate modern-day offerings like an online casino.

As a result of this, online casinos are indeed fully legal in Chandigarh and are being regularly explored by gamers who are not only keen to fight any boredom but also bring in a bit of extra cash along the way too.

The Public Gaming Act isn’t in place everywhere

The aforementioned Public Gaming Act of 1967 hasn’t been accepted by all state governments, though, namely Goa and Sikkim. On top of this, states such as Andhra Pradesh have banned all forms of online betting.

For now, in places like Chandigarh, online casinos are legal as the Public Gaming Act fails to factor in online gambling or online betting into the law, therefore creating a legal grey area in the process.

With awareness around the law spreading and more and more of the Chandigarh population discovering the benefits of gaming at an online casino, people are choosing to game at a selection of trustworthy sites which offer an extensive selection of games for people to enjoy.

Popular titles include classic table games like poker and blackjack, accompanied by a comprehensive offering of themed slot games which many gamers pick up and put down throughout the day.

Some foreign countries have rules and regulations

In countries outside of India, online casinos are commonly accessed by gamers. In countries like the UK, for example, the government has set up various rules and regulations which every betting site must adhere to in order to operate in the country. As a result of this, betting companies are not only forced to pay tax and invest in the country in which they’re able to operate out of, but it also provides a way the authorities can keep track of the industry as a whole.

Potentially, in the future, we could see a selection of Indian states employ similar methods and enable tax revenue on online casinos to become a key part of their state revenue. With the struggles in the Indian economy, state governments must surely be examining this potential scenario as a solution to a number of concerning issues.

The fact remains that online casinos are thriving in different areas of the country, Chandigarh included. As appetite continues to grow and new casino operators begin to explore Indian markets, various states within the country where gambling is illegal could be forced to change their respective laws and make gambling legal.


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