A couple of days back, Panasonic launched a new smartphone called the Panasonic Eluga A4. The price of Panasonic Eluga A4 is Rs.12,490. The phone is in highlight because of its Biggest feature and is its 5000mAh battery. With 5000mAh battery the phone will give tough competition to Asus Zenfone 3 Max and Xiaomi Redmi Note 4. Here is the full comparison of Asus Zenfone 3 Max, Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 and recently launched Panasonic Eluga A4. Check all Details here and find out which phone is better.
Asus Zenfone 3 Max Vs Redmi Note 4 Vs Panasonic Eluga A4 – Price Comparison
Talking about the price of all the three phones, then it is approximately equal. The price of Panasonic Eluga A4 is Rs.12,490. It is the recently launched phone. The price of Asus Zenfone 3 Max is Rs.9,999. The phone was launched in November last year. And the price of Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 is Rs.9999 for 2GB RAM model, Rs.10,999 for 3GB RAM Model and Rs.12,999 for the 4GB RAM Model.
Asus Zenfone 3 Max Vs Redmi Note 4 Vs Panasonic Eluga A4 – Features Comparison
The biggest feature of all the three phones is common and it is the battery. Pansonic Eluga A4 has a massive battery of 5000mAh. Asus Zenfone 3 Max has a 4100mAh battery and it claimed to give a 30 days standby time in the 4G network. Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 also has a 4100mAh battery. Xiaomi Redmi Note 4, Panasonic Eluga A4 and Asus Zenfone Max 3 has same camera specifications. All the three comes with 13 Mp rear camera and 5MP front camera.
Asus Zenfone 3 Max Vs Redmi Note 4 Vs Panasonic Eluga A4 – Specifications Comparison
Pansonic Eluga A4 comes with a 5.2-inch display. The resolution of the screen is 720×1280 pixels. The display of the phone comes with 2.5D curved glass. Redmi Note 4 comes with a display of 5.5 inches and has a screen resolution of 1920×1080 pixels. While the Asus Zenfone Max 3 smartphone comes with a display of 5.2 inches with 720×1280 pixels. The processor of Redmi Note 4 is Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 64-bit Octa Core 2GHz processor, In Panasonic Eluga A4 there is a MediaTek 1.25GHz quad-core processor and in Zenfone 3 Max the processor is 1.25GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6737T.
All the three phones run on Android Nougat operating system. RAM in Asus Zenfone 3 Max & Panasonic Eluga A4 is 3GB and Redmi Note 4 comes with 2GB, 3GB and 4GB RAM. Storage of the all three is 32GB, however, Redmi Note 4 also has 64GB storage.
Coming to camera specifications of all the three phones, then it is same to same. Xiaomi Redmi Note 4, Panasonic Eluga A4 and Asus Zenfone Max 3 comes with 13MP back camera and 5MP front camera for selfies and video calling. The battery of Redmi Note 4 is 4100mAh, Battery of Asus Zenfone 3 Max is 4100mAh and the Battery of Panasonic Eluga A4 is 5000mAh.