Want to pursue B.Ed degree from a reputed college in Chandigarh? This list of top B.Ed colleges in and around Chandigarh will be of much help to you. We have not just listed the leading government colleges offering B.Ed course in Chandigarh but have also taken into consideration some good private B.Ed colleges located near Chandigarh.
With limited number of seats and huge rush of students wishing to pursue B.Ed. in Chandigarh, you might not get admission in the college of your choice. Here’s a list of best B.Ed colleges in Chandigarh.
B.Ed Colleges in Chandigarh
The annual fee for B.Ed is much less in government colleges as compared to private colleges. Check out some government institutes of Chandigarh offering B.Ed classes below:
Government College of Education
Location: Sector 20-D, Chandigarh.
Number of seats = 300.
Admission Procedure = Through Panjab University.
Dev Samaj College of Education
Location: Secor 36-B, Chandigarh.
Number of Seats = 200.
Admission is done through Panjab university.
Other B.Ed Colleges Near Chandigarh
Apart from the colleges located within the city of Chandigarh, many students get admission in nearby colleges to pursue a regular B.Ed course. Here’s a list of some popular B.Ed colleges situated within few kilometres from Chandigarh. The fee for these colleges might be higher, but they are surely a better option if you wish to pursue a regular B.Ed degree instead of doing it through correspondence. Check out these colleges.
Rayat & Bahra College of Education
Location: Village Sahauran, Kharar, Distt. Mohali.
Affiliated to Punjabi University, Patiala.
Website: http://www.rbce.rayatbahra.com/
Aryans Group of Colleges
Location: Village Nepra, Between Banur & Rajpura, Chandigarh Patiala Highway.
Website: http://www.aryans.edu.in/
Admission & Fee: As per Punjabi University, Patiala.
Indo Global College of Education
Location: Village Abhipur, Mullanpur side, District Mohali.
Website: http://www.igef.net/igc-courses/BEd.html
Chitkara University
Location: Near Banur, Chandigarh-Patiala Highway
Website: http://www.chitkara.edu.in/education/b-ed
Swami Devi Dayal B.Ed Collage
Institute: Vill: Golpura, Tehsil Barwala, District Panchkula.
Number of seats = 200.
Affiliated to: Kurukshetra University
Website: http://swamidevidyal.ac.in/bachelor-in-education-b-ed-200-seats.aspx
B.Ed is essential if a person wishes to pursue a career as a teacher.
Apart from regular B.Ed course from a college of your choice, you can also pursue B.Ed through distance education. In this case the course duration is for 2 years and you have to attend few training classes and teaching experiments. Distance education B.Ed. is offered through Panjab University, Chandigarh; Kurukshetra University, Haryana and Punjabi University, Patiala.
If you think that we have missed out a good B.Ed college from our list that is located within Chandigarh or in nearby towns, feel free to reach the author of this article at ajay[at]chandigarhmetro.com.