After the magnanimous success of Prabhas of Bahubali 2 fame, the actor has rejected Karan Johar’s offer to cast him in a Bollywood movie. Sources reveal that Karan Johar who has produced Bahubali 2 in Hindi version is all impressed with Prabhas’ work in the movie and wanted to cast him in his next flick. To much of audience’s surprise, Prabhas who has won hearts of many with his phenomenal performance in the Bahubali series politely declined the offer and we are curious to know what made him do so!
What is up with Karan Johar?
Karan Johar is renowned for his “class-apart‘ cast that he puts forth and signs in his movies that add that “wow” factor be it the main leads, side actors or yesteryear’s actor performing a cameo or a dance number in his movies. Karan Johar nails it all with his “retro style” movie making!
Karan Johar, the leading director and producer combination who has given Bollywood phenomenal hits of all times is all wooed by the Telegu movie actor Prabhas. After producing the Hindi version of Bahubali 2, KJo’s intuition turned quite right and the amazing success of Bahubali 2 which broke many records of the centuries this year in the domestic and international film industry, the decision got more firm. Without any second thoughts crossing his mind, Karan Johar offered Prabhas the role of the main lead in his next movie.
Prabhas Got Audacity like None else from Bahubali 2
Well, we all know how badly people in the industry look forward to working with Karan Johar. People die to get just one side role or a cameo in his movies to get noticed. And here’s our superstar who owns his stardom like none else.
- No, definitely flaunting his stardom by declining the offer but Prabhas who has got huge respect for Karan Johar after Bahubali 2 could not work out with the schedule of Karan Johar’s next movie.
- Sources reveal that Prabhas though was pretty eager to make his Bollywood debut with Karan Johar’s upcoming could not take up the project at this point of time in his life because he’s already insanely busy with his next movie “Saaho” that he has already signed.
- Due to prior commitments, the dates and schedule could not be worked out and Prabhas, who aims at perfection did not want to un-justify his role in any movie.
Alas! We’ll have to wait a bit more to see our favourite risen superstar of all times, Prabhas of Bahubali 2 fame to make his Bollywood debut!!!
Source: FilmiBeat
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