Bank of Baroda PO Recruitment 2018: Bank of Baroda has released an official notification regarding the PO Recruitment. Candidates will be selected for the admission to the Baroda Manipal School of Banking and after the successful completion of the course, the candidates will be offered appointment in the Bank as a PO in Junior Management Grade.
All interested candidates who want to apply for the Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2018 are advised to read the official notification first and then apply on the website. Here are the full details of the Bank of Baroda PO Recruitment 2018. Check it Out.
Bank of Baroda PO Recruitment 2018 – Important Dates & Application Fee
Important Dates: The online application process for the Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2018 has started. The application process started on 12th last date to apply for the Bank of Baroda PO Recruitment 2018 is 2nd July 2018. Candidates are advised t fill the application form on or before the last date. The application fee can be paid from 12th June 2018 to 2nd July 2018. The tentative date to download the call letters for the online exam is after 18th July and the exam will be conducted on 28th July.
Application Fee: For the Bank of Baroda PO Recruitment 2018, the application fee is Rs.600 for the candidates belonging to the General and OBC Category. The application fee for the candidates of SC/ST and PWD, the application fee is Rs.100. Candidates can pay the application fee via online mode.
Bank of Baroda PO Recruitment 2018 – Age Limit & Relaxation
The minimum age limit is 20 years and the maximum age limit to apply for the post of Baroda Bank PO is 28 years. The age relaxation Upper Age for the SC and ST candidates is 5 years, for the OBC Category candidates 3 years. Ex-Service, the age relaxation is 5 years. The domiciled persons in Jammu and Kashmir will get relaxation of 5 years in upper age. 5 years age relaxation to persons affected by 1984 riots and 15 years for PWD Candidates of SC/ST category, 13 years for OBC PWD candidates and 10 years for General PWD candidates.
Bank of Baroda PO Recruitment 2018 – Vacancies & Selection Procedure
Under the Bank of Baroda PO Recruitment 2018, total 600 students will get admissions to the Baroda Manipal School of Banking through the current selection. These posts are divided category wise as follows – SC (90), ST (45), OBC (162) and General (303). Candidates will be selected on the basis of Online Examination and then Group Discussion/ Personal Interview/Psychometric Test.
Bank of Baroda PO Recruitment 2018 Official Notification