Approximately 50 Lakh employees are waiting for the decision of the government on the minimum pay hike under 7th Pay commission. It was around a year back when the seventh pay commission recommended the government for the minimum pay hike from Rs. 18,000 to Rs. 21,000 along with the revision in the Fitment Factor from 2.67 to 3.00. Although the recommendations made in front of the government did not match with the demands of the employees still this generated the hope among the central government employees and pensioners. After a debate for almost a year, in September the ray of positivity towards the decision was blown over by the government but all the efforts went in vain when the NAC committee was unable to present the final report before the union cabinet.
7th Pay Commission Recommendation of Basic Pay Hike Delayed?
Well, there is no certainty about the news of the delay in implementation of the 7th Pay commission recommendation, but the sources have claimed that the Finance Minister of India is planning to appoint the task of formulating the report on this recommendation to the High-level committee. This high-level committee will be formulated by Mr. Arun Jaetly, that will be constituted with the secretaries of different ministries of India.
Included in this committee will be Ministry of Home Affairs, Pension, Department of Expenditure, Health, and Posts. This committee will be given the responsibility of analyzing the 7th Pay commission recommendation for increasing the pay scale and pensions of the Central Government employees and Pensioners respectively.
Will there by Pay Hike under 7th Pay Commission or Not?
We have no idea what the next year will bring in regards to the revision of pay scales of the government employees but for sure this decision is again delayed for at least 6 months as per the sources. With the fluctuation in the decisions of the government regarding the recommendation of pay hike under seventh pay commission, nothing can be assured till date.
Where some sources have claimed that there will be no minimum pay hike there, some sources have confirmed that the pay hike will be there but the matter is delayed. Let us hope for the best and wait for the final update on the matter.