New Punjabi song titled as Bhangra Gidha voiced by Nimrat Khaira has been released on Youtube as well as mp3. With the mesmerising voice, once again Nimrat Khaira has attracted her listeners with Bhangra Gidha song. Nimrat Khaira has also been featured in the video of the song Bhangra Gidha. Here comes another song for Bhangra Gidha in the wedding.
Punjabi singer Nimrat Khaira has recorded numerous song in her voice like- SP de rank vargi, Dubai wale Shaikh, Salute, Lakeeran and many more. Punjabi suit and Punjabi boli suit Nimrat Khaira and the video of her new track Bhangra Gidha shows it well.
Bhangra Gidha- Nimrat Khaira (Punjabi Song)
Video of the Bhangra Gidha song featuring Nimrat Khaira follows the story of a couple who used to love each other since college time. The girl uses to tell her love story to her sister after she forced her to do so. The whole video of the new Punjabi song Bhangra Gidha runs in flashback. And at last of the story, it has been revealed that at present the couple is happily married.
Singer: Nimrat Khaira
Music: Desi Crew
Lyrics: Babbu
Director: Harnavbir Singh
Label: Punj-aab Records
Bhangra Gidha song of Nimrat Khaira starts with- ‘Paiyan si preetan jado gudiyan, mainu gift ch dittian si chudiyan’. And the catchy line of the song is like- ‘oh bhangre di team vich hunda si, te main gidhe de group vich hundi si’. Enjoy the new track of Nimrat Khaira here.
Official Video of Bhangra Gidha song by Nimrat Khaira
Watch out the official video of Nimrat Khaira’s Bhangra Gidha that has become the new trend within few hours of its release. Click the play button and watch out the Bhangra and Gidha of Nimrat Khaira in the video of her new Punjabi song.
Be it romantic or dancing number, Nimrat Khaira always rock the audio of her songs with her soothing voice with a desi touch. Keep your eye on for more updates from Punjabi music industry.
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