Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has announced the class 12 board Inter examination dates that will take place in the year 2018. The class 12 board Inter examination of BSEB is scheduled from February 6 to 16, 2018 at various examination centres spread across Bihar. The BSEB Bihar board has also made the final dates for the pre-board examination 2018 official for Inter.
Exam and other important dates of the BSEB class 12 board
The Bihar BSEB has also announced the pre-board examination dates for class 12 (Inter) that will commence from November 14 and will culminate on November 21, 2017. Other than this, the dates for the class 12 Bihar board practical examination will also start from January 11, 2018 and will end until January 25, 2018.
Bihar’s BSEB board examinations have always been in controversies either due to the usage of unfair means or fake toppers or due to some other reasons. Therefore, to keep all such controversies at bay this time, the Bihar’s BSEB has decided not to practice the system of making home centre for class 12 board (Inter) practical examinations. From the upcoming BSEB class 12th board examinations 2018, the practical exam centers for Inter will be allotted by the district magistrate across Bihar. No teachers from the home centres will be deployed at the exam invigilators / external examiners during the Bihar’s BSEB class 12 board examinations 2018, including the practical exam.
No. of students failed in the BSEB class 12 board (inter) examination 2017
Talking about the Bihar’s BSEB class 12 board (inter) examinations 2017, almost 12, 40,168 students had written the examination out of which 7, 94,622 students failed. The number of failed students in the BSEB class 12 board (inter) examination 2017, included 4,49280 from the Science stream, 3,30,338 from the Art stream and 15,004 from the Commerce stream.
The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) conducts board examination for class 10 (high school) as well as for class 12 (inter), annual every year in the month of February and March. Apart from these, BSEB also conducts supplementary school Examination based on the prescribed course or syllabus of the Bihar government in the month of August and September. Other than this, Bihar’s BSEB conducts a few departmental examination including Certificate in Physical Education, Teachers Training Examination and Diploma in Physical Education.