Bihar Vidhan Sabha Sachivalaya has released an official notification and invited applications from the candidates for various posts. The candidates who are interested in applying for the post can check the notification. All candidates are advised to read the notification carefully and check the eligibility. If the candidates are eligible, then they can fill the application form. Here are the complete details of Bihar Vidhan Sabha Sachivalaya Recruitment 2018.
Bihar Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2018
Bihar Vidhan Sabha Sachivalaya has started the application process for the various posts. The process of filling the application form started on 9th October. The last date to fill the application form for the various posts under the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Recruitment is 31st October.
The admit card and the exam dates for the exam will be out soon on the official website. The candidates applying for the various posts will have pay Rs 400 as application fee. The candidates belonging to General and OBC category will have to pay Rs 400 and for the SC/ST/PH women category candidates, the application fee is Rs 100.
As per the official notification, the minimum age limit to apply online for the Bihar Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2018 is 21 years and the maximum age limit is 37 years. the maximum age limit for the OBC/EBC candidates is 40 years while for the candidates of SC/ST candidates is 42 years.
According to the official notification, there are total of 101 vacancies in Bihar Vidhan Sabha. These vacancies are for multiple posts. For the post of Junior Clerk, there are 17 vacancies. For the Assistant Post, there are total 54 vacancies. For the Assitant Librarian post, there are total 10 vacancies, For the Assistant (Research/Referrals), there are 8 vacancies.
Similarly, 2 vacancies for Assistant (Urdu), 2 posts for the Translator Urdu, 2 posts for the Translator Hindi/English and 6 vacancies for the post of Assistant Teacher. The candidates selected for the post of Junior Clerk will get a pay scale of Rs 19900-63200. The candidates selected for the post of Assistant teacher will get a salary of Rs 25500 to 81100. For the other posts, candidates will get a salary of Rs 44900 to 142400.
Bihar Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2018 Official Notification