Bitcoin Association Advances Education Initiatives on Original Bitcoin

With the goal of correcting misconceptions about Bitcoin and blockchain technology and accelerating global adoption, Switzerland-based global industry organization Bitcoin Association is advancing its education initiatives on the original Bitcoin. Through its 2020 annual report released on May 4, the Association provides details on its education initiatives and how they will move forward in the future to further provide accurate information and cultivate proper Bitcoin and blockchain knowledge, as well as hone future professionals in the industry.

“Education is a core element of the work we do at Bitcoin Association. After too many years of misinformation about Bitcoin, we are committed to helping students and business professionals better understand that Bitcoin is not meant to be a digital gold store of value; it is both a more efficient systems for Internet payments and a global data protocol. The Bitcoin SV (BSV) network is demonstrating what is possible with a blockchain that can scale unbounded and facilitate huge volumes of low-fee payment and data transactions, with a host of innovative business applications beginning to emerge from a cross-section of industries,” Jimmy Nguyen, founding president of Bitcoin Association, said.

Most recently, the Association has entered a partnership with the Netherlands’ Saxion University of Applied Sciences and Saxion Blockchain Institute to be able to offer massive open online courses (MOOCs) focused on the original Bitcoin’s vision, value and power. “What is Bitcoin and why does it matter?” is the first of four courses in a progressive series. It is currently running from February 5 to September 1.

“There have always been changes in society and new developments can be a threat to some institutions, but technological developments can bring society to a higher level. You now also see many movements around the adoption of digital currencies such as the Dutch Bank, the German government and within the European Commission. Together we can make a difference by showing that blockchain and Bitcoin actually work, and that they are based on actually working systems and, above all, continue to develop,” Dr. Jan Veuger, the first-ever Professor of Blockchain in the Netherlands, explained..

On top of Bitcoin conferences held each year and continuous creation of new content through online video series, the Association has also launched Bitcoin SV Academy last year. In order to provide academic-based Bitcoin education to as many people as possible, all introductory courses are offered free of charge. Currently, Introduction to Bitcoin Theory and Introduction to Bitcoin Development are already open for enrolment. Introduction to Bitcoin Infrastructure is set to open this year. The three courses will also be made available in intermediate and advanced levels. In addition to this, everyone, even non-students, can download a complimentary eBook on blockchain technology at the BSV Academy website.

“Fundamentally a good education allows for the maximization of opportunity. By providing this knowledge through our courses, Bitcoin Association can help to accelerate growth and foster greater resilience in the ecosystem, which is good for Bitcoin and ultimately great for the world, particularly in these complex and challenging times,” BSV Academy curriculum specialist Evan Freeman said.

Bitcoin and blockchain technology are here to stay, and it is only a matter of time before global adoption is achieved. A fundamental change is needed by society today, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic dealing a huge blow to economies worldwide. 


Ajay Deep

Ajay Deep is a young enthusiast who Loves Chandigarh and is always eager to make this beautiful city even more beautiful. A Mechanical Engineer By Chance and Working in an IT MNC by Choice. A Writer, Photographer and a Budding Entrepreneur. A Designer, Developer and Digital Marketing Expert. In brief : A Jack of All Trades and Master of Few :) You may reach Ajay Deep at
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