Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has launched various unlimited calling plans under Rs. 500 for its users to enjoy long calls from one place to the other. Under the unlimited calling plans in exchange of Rs. 500 offered by BSNL, users can opt for the plan which suits them the most. All the plans which offer unlimited calling in exchange of Rs. 500 or less possess different kinds of benefits and validity which can be attained as per the customer need. The plans range from Rs. 97 to Rs. 500 and can be attained and changed as per the requirement.
BSNL Rs. 97 Plan For Unlimited Calling
The state-owned telecom firm BSNL had earlier introduced a plan of Rs. 97 which offers unlimited calling as well as a date plan for the users. This plan was initially made valid for the buyers of Micromax’s 4G VoLTE enabled Bharat Phone. This plan valid for the Bharat Phone supports a 3G connection also.
BSNL’s Triple Ace or STV333 Offer
The triple ace or STV333 is another offer which was rolled out by BSNL. When any prepaid customer opts for the Triple Ace BSNL offer, the customer tends to receive 3 GB data on daily basis as well as is valid for a period of 90 days. This is one freshly rolled out plan by BSNL and does much benefit to the customers who are in need of more than 1 GB data which is offered by Reliance Jio on daily basis. This plan comes with a validity of 90 days.
Dil Khol Ke Bol Offer By BSNL
Dhi Khol Ke Bol is another prepaid plan which was offered by BSNL thus giving a though competition to the Reliance Jio users. The Dil Khol Ke Bol offer commonly known as STV349 by BSNL is for an amount of Rs. 349 and provides the BSNL users with 2 GB of mobile data everyday along with unlimited local as well as STD calls on BSNL’s network along with unlimited data for a time period of 28 days.
BSNL’s STV 339 Offer
BSNL’s STV 339 offer is an old offer which has been revised and thus introduced by BSNL. This plan worth Rs. 339 offered by BSNL will now provide 3 GB of data each day to its users. And if the 3 GB expires, the internet connectivity speed will be 80 kbps. This is one of the most popular prepaid plans among the BSNL users. This is definitely a worthy plan in exchange of a very minimal amount rendered by BSNL.
Free Minutes In BSNL’S 395 Offer
The BSNL STV395 prepaid plan which is available for an amount of Rs. 395 comes for a time period of 71 days. In this BSNL plan, the prepaid BSNL users receive 2 GB data everyday as well as 3000 BSNL to BSNL free minutes and 1800 free minutes for other networks other than BSNL. This BSNL prepaid plan is one of the unbeatable plans offered by BSNL.