Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has launched a new postpaid plan for the postpaid users. The state-run telecom operator has launched the 499 plan and with this launch, the telecom operator will compete with the Airtel 499 plan, Vodafone 499 plan and Idea 499 postpaid plan. This new postpaid plan for BSNL offers 45GB data along with free calls. here are the complete details of BSNL new postpaid plan 499.
BSNL Postpaid Plan 499 Details
The new plan of BSNL, ie plan 499 is a combo postpaid plan. The users will get free and unlimited calling in this plan along with the free data usage. All the local calls, all the STD calls and all the roaming calls are free in this plan. One more thing is there is no FUP in calling in this plan.
The plan also offers 100 free SMS per day. Talking about the data benefit in the BSNL plan 499, users will get total 45GB data in this plan. Well, the data usage limit is good but there is also a weak point of this plan and that is the Data rollover benefits. On one side Airtel, idea and Vodafone are offering data rollover to carry forward unused data, BSNL still lacks this facility.
BSNL 399 Postpaid Plan Details
BSNL recently launched the BSNL Postpaid plan 399 under the BSNL Holi Dhamaka Postpaid plan. The plan also offers free and unlimited plan. This 399 postpaid plan of BSNL was launched to compete with the Airtel 399 plan. The 399 plan of BSNL offers 30GB data and free and unlimited calling. The plan also offers 100 free SMS per day. There is no FUP on calling in this plan.
BSNL 499 Plan Vs Airtel 499 Postpaid Plan
Bharti Airtel 499 Postpaid plan offers better benefits as compared to the BSNL 499 postpaid plan. In the Airtel 499 plan, the telecom operator is offering 75GB data which is 30GB more than what BSNL is providing in the 499 plan. The 499 plan of Airtel is also offering free and unlimited calls. The plan also offers free Amazon Prime Membership and data rollover benefits.
BSNL 399 plan somehow better than the Airtel 399 postpaid plan as it the Airtel 399 postpaid plan the telecom operator is offering 20GB data while the BSNL 399 plan offers 20GB data. Both the plans offer free and unlimited calling.