BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) launched a new pack to celebrate Raakhi. The new plan launched by BSNL is BSNL Rakhi pe Saugaat Offer. This is an STV from BSNL and launched exclusively on the eve of Rakhi which is on 7th of August.
BSNL Rakhi Pe Saugat Plan – Rs. 74 talk time, Unlimited calls, Free 1GB internet
BSNL new plan Rakhi pe Saugat comes with huge benefits. This plan gives full talk time and comes with other best-bundled offers. The plan offers unlimited calls to the same network. And for other numbers, the talk time of Rs.74 is given. Also no need to worry about the internet as the new plan of BSNL Rakhi pe Saugat gives free usage of 1GB data too. The plan comes with the validity of 5 days.
BSNL Rs.444 Plan (Chauka Plan) – 4GB data per day
Earlier BSNL has launched various best plans for its users. One side Jio is giving 1GB per day with Rs.399 and the same time BSNL is giving 4GB data usage per day. And similar to jio after the 4GB usage internet will not stop, you can still enjoy the data with low speed. The validity of BSNL Chauka Plan is 90 days which means total 360GB data for 90 days with high speed.
BSNL Rs.666 (Sixer Plan) – Unlimted calling + 2GB data per day
If you are only Internet user than Chauka Plan is for you. If you need free calling + data then BSNL Sixer Plan is only for you. Sixer Plan of BSNL gives unlimited free calling to anywhere in India and also 2GB of data usage per day. The validity of BSNL Sixer Plan is 60 days which means 120GB of high-speed data and unlimited calling.
BSNL Nehle Pe Dehla plan & BSNL Dil Khol Ke Bol Plan
Apart from BSNL Sixer Plan and BSNL Chauka Plan, BSNL launched various other plans including Nehle Pe Dehle Plan and Dil Khol Ke Bol Plan. Nehle pe Dehla plan is similar to BSNL Sixer Plan but it comes with a validity of 71 days. While Dil Khol Ke Bol plan of BSNL gives free calling and 2GB data per day for 30 days.
BSNL VS Jio 4G plans
The biggest difference in BSNL and Jio 4G plan is the connectivity. Jio 4G plans are 4G plans while BSNL plans are the 3G plan. But one thing that is to be noticed is that BSNL is giving double data. BSNL 3G sped is also good. So if you are a BSNL user and looking for best BSNL plan then you can opt out among these.
Source – Dainik Jagaran