CBSE Announces Date Sheet for Class 10th Improvement of Performance Examination, 2017 | Check here

Central Board of Secondary Education i.e. CBSE has announced the date of Class 10th Improvement of Performance Examination, 2017 on its website recently. Students of academic session of 2017 of Class X who had applied for the Class 10th Improvement of Performance Examination this year can check the date sheet of their respective examinations declared by the CBSE. Releasing an official schedule of all the examinations conducted by CBSE for various subjects as a part of the Class 10th Improvement of Performance Examination, 2017 this year, students are advised to visit for updates regarding the same.

CBSE Class 10th Improvement of Performance Exam 2017

Students who had applied for the Class 10th Improvement of Performance Examination, 2017 this year online as per the notification released on the official website of the CBSE board, the schedule for the Board examinations of Class 10th has been announced. The notification released by CBSE for Class 10th Improvement of Performance Examination, 2017 clearly states details of the schedule of the examination in terms of date, time, day, subject code and the subject which candidates have applied for. Termed as the ‘Central Board of Secondary Education Secondary School, Improvement of Performance Examination, 2017 of Class X’, candidates have been notified about the timings of each examination mentioned as against it in the notice.

CBSE Class 10th Improvement Exam Date Sheet

Candidates can check the exam date sheet of the Class 10th Improvement of Performance Examination, 2017 here.




CBSE Class 10th Improvement Exam: Important Instructions

CBSE has carefully issued ‘Important Instructions’ for the candidates who had applied online for the Class 10th Improvement of Performance Examination, 2017. Take a look at the Instructions carefully:

  • Answer Booklets to candidates for the exam would be distributed at 10:00 am
  • Candidates get sufficient time to fill in personal details for 15 minutes till 10:15 am
  • Candidates would get question papers at 10:15 am only for reading purpose
  • The extra 15 minutes of time ensures students to strategize and plan their approach towards exam attempt
  • The 3-hour long examination commences at 10:30 am when candidates can start writing the exam
  • The exam centre for both theory and practical exam of requisite subjects remains same
  • Candidates are advised to contact their respective School Principals for the schedule of practicals
  • Practical exam would be conducted by school teachers with no external examiner for the test
  • Practical examination to be scheduled within a week of the theory exam
  • Commerce students get optional alternatives to choose from respective subjects
  • Result of the Class 10th Improvement of Performance Exam would be out by the third week of August 2017

Wishing all the best to candidates who had applied for the CBSE Class 10th Improvement of Performance Examination, 2017!

Source: CBSE

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Oberoi Aneesha

A visionary keen on writing her heart out and making content as true calling of her life; Meet Aneesha Oberoi, a Goal-oriented free spirited girl whose passion is to write and is an engineer by profession. You may reach her at
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