Central Board of Secondary Education may soon announce Class 10 and 12 Board exam results for the year 2019. In recent reports by the CBSE Board, it has been cleared that the result of the Board exam for 2019 will be declared in the month of May only. Even in the month of February as well, CBSE released a notification and mentioned that the Board result 2019 will be announced in May only.
Recently it was out that CBSE may release Class 10 result on 10 April 2019. But CBSE denied the same and announced it to be rumoured as CBSE will not announce the same on this date. Check out the actual release date of CBSE Class 10 and 12 Board exam results 2019 below.
CBSE Class 10 Board Result 2019 to be Out on this date
According to the recent reports that went viral, CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) was expected to announce the Class 10 Board exam result on 10 April 2019. But recently, CBSE denied the same and declared it as fake news. Whereas CBSE held the Class 10 Board exam in the month of February and March 2019. The Board has also cleared that it will release the Class 10 board result 2019 by the last week of May or first week of June month. Although no confirmation on the dates has been out yet.
Last year as well, CBSE declared the Class 10 Board result by the last week of May only. And this time as well we can expect it to be near about the same date. So students appeared for Class 10 Board exams have to wait a lil more for their result for the year 2019.
CBSE to declare Class 12 Board Result 2019 on?
As far as the result for Class 12 is concerned by the CBSE Board for the year 2019, then we can say it will also be out by the last week of May. According to recent reports, CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) will release a notification soon regarding the declaration of Class 12 Board result 2019.
Last year CBSE announced the Class 12 result on 26 May 2018 and now as well students can expect the result around the same. Although CBSE will soon release the confirm date for the announcement of Board exam result for the year 2019.