CBSE, Central Board of Secondary Education exam date sheet cum timetable for Class 10th and 12th board 2018 exams confirmed to be held in March 2018 shall be out in January. After all the speculations and confusions the board has finally made an official statement stating that the board exams for both CBSE Class 10th and 12th will commence from March 2018 as per the pattern released by the board. All the students see a light of relief on the matter of the ongoing confusion regarding central board of secondary education Class 10th & 12th Board Exams schedule for the year 2018. A few days back many sources flamed the news that the CBSE 10th & 12th board exams will begin by the end of February 2018 raising the concern of many students.
CBSE Class 10th & 12th Board Exams Date Sheet – Exams In March 2018
With no date sheet out through CBSE for the 10th & 12th board exams officially yet, there were many rumours that surfaced the media pertaining to the release of the timetable online. While the most tentative schedule for the release of the board’s Class 10th & 12th 2018 board exams date sheet is January 2018, the confirmed part of the news is that the examination schedule shall commence from March only. Where some of the sources were speculating that the board exams will begin in the last week of February there, many sources confirmed that the exam schedule will follow the same pattern as is followed every year by the board to begin from March 2018.
This confusion was raised after the delay in the release of the CBSE date sheet for Class 10th & 12th this year. Last speculated to commence by the end of Feb 2018 on account of the Holi festival, the fluctuating news popping out every now and then made students are really getting confused with the final exam dates. All the students are still waiting for the release of final date sheet officially by the board online. According to latest updates, the final datesheet for the commencement of 10th & 12th board exams 2018 shall be declared soon. Last year the first exam for the boards was held on 9th March and the CBSE is planning not to break that pattern.
CBSE Likely To Wrap Up Class 10th & 12th Board Written Exams Within March 2018
After so many rumors and speculation, it has been confirmed that the pattern of the board to conduct 10th & 12th board will not break and the exams will commence from March 2018 only. The final date sheet for the exam has not been out yet, but CBSE is planning to release the date sheet by next month of January 2018. After the release of practical date sheet the final written date sheet can be expected to be released online at official website of CBSE by January 2018.
The board is aiming to conduct the CBSE Class 10th & 12th 2018 board exams in March 2018 and also wrap it up within a month’s timeframe to accommodate other exams as well. Students of Class 12th board from the non-medical and medical streams also have to appear for the entrance exams in April so they have to be granted sufficient time and break post CBSE Class 10th & 12th 2018 board exams for these tests. Wishing all the candidates aspiring to take central board’s Class 10th & 12th 2018 board exams, best of luck!
Source – IndianExpress