CBSE Class 10th & 12th Board Exams are nearing the corner with its date sheet cum time table available for download on its official website online. Releasing other examination materials including the detailed marking scheme and sample papers for all the subjects on the official CBSE website at cbse.nic.in online, the board has issued the important guidelines for evaluators to check the answer scripts of candidates online. Students are iterated to download all the practice sample papers for CBSE Class 10th & 12th Board Exams scheduled in March 2018 this year. Read on to check steps to download the same online.
CBSE Class 10th & 12th 2018 Sample Papers Out Online | Here’s How To Download
The sample papers for both the board classes of CBSE i.e. Class 10th & 12th for all the subjects have been released officially by the board online. Central Board of Secondary Education as an efficient conducting body of the CBSE Class 10th & 12th 2018 board examinations every year has notified all the candidates to download their marking scheme and sample papers for each exam. The same have been uploaded in a subject-wise manner for the ease of students to access the same. Candidates studying in Class 10th and 12th of CBSE affiliated schools can visit the aforementioned CBSE website and visit their respective sections of examination materials uploaded for all the categories, Delhi region, outside Delhi region, All India region and blind students each having separate sets uploaded online for both the classes.
CBSE Practice Sample Papers For All Subjects For Class 10th & 12th | Check Details
In order to have greater transparency induced in holding the prestigious board examinations in the month of March 2018 this year, the Central Board of Secondary Education has issued guidelines both for the students and the teachers who shall be evaluating the answer scripts of the students of the CBSE Class 10th and 12th board exams 2018. While the norms issued for the teachers have been mentioned herein, read ‘CBSE Guidelines For Error-Free Evaluation’
The same are available for candidates via the release of making scheme and sample papers for all the subjects online. Students of Class 10th and 12th who are all set to appear for the CBSE board exams 2018 are notified about the details of the subject sample papers and marking schemes for them to adapt and practice before actually taking the board exams. This would induce competitive spirit in them along with boosting their confidence levels when they practice these mock exams set on the CBSE marking scheme & exam pattern. What could be more beneficial for them when the board officially releases the same for them practice prior to holding the CBSE Class 10th and 12th board exams 2018 in March.
To download all official Class 10th and 12th CBSE sample papers for all the subjects, click on the source link below.
Source : CBSE