CBSE Class 10th and 12th board exams 2018 are nearing the corner with students growing anxious over the same. Candidates are already toiling and hustling hard to kill the cut-throat competition offered in terms of the CBSE Class 10th and 12th board exams 2018 by each other and in order to churn out their best performances, they end up writing haywire answers. Students need to understand the tactic to score better with the limited knowledge they have acquired during the entire year in their subjects. There are some key rules and important points which must be taken care of while attempting the exam. Read on to know about how to attempt the CBSE Class 10th and 12th board exams 2018 efficiently and tips and tricks to score better in the upcoming March exams.
CBSE Class 10th & 12th Board Exams 2018 | How To Attempt To Score Better
Central Board of Secondary Education as an efficient conducting body of the Class 10th and 12th board exams every year has already released official marking scheme for the students. Releasing subject-wise sample question papers and marking scheme to give the candidates aspiring to take the CBSE Class 10th and 12th board exams 2018 this year an idea about the type of questions, difficulty level and exam pattern, the battle is half won there. It is rightly said, ‘well begun is half done’ so candidates are advised to attempt the section wherein they feel they are quite confident about.
Moreover, since we know that the entire question paper has been distributed ‘section-wise’ and according to type of questions and allotted marks, more importance shall always be given to questions carrying more sub-parts, diagrams and marks. Attempting them by changing paras to demarcate new answer and pointers made along wit well labelled neat diagrams or equations or formulae depending upon the subject definitely gives your performance an edge with the same knowledge as others have.
Marks Distribution of CBSE Class 10th & 12th Board Exams 2018 Questions | Attempt Smart & Wise
The questions should also be attempted according to the marks alloted to each part. For instance, a question carrying one mark should contain a technical term as one word answer fetching you marks or one line sentence citing the definition & not description. For 2 marker question, citing examples and a small description with a technical term fetches better marks. Three Marker and Five marker questions must contain a nice diagram or more than 3 points supporting your argument with necessary equations or formulae or mentioning theorems as cited reasons for using them directly into applications.
Answers must be delivered as per the exact requirements of the question and candidates appearing for CBSE Class 10th and 12th board exams 2018 are iterated no overall choice shall be granted to them but only internal ones that too in three and five marker questions. We wish all the best to all the candidates and iterate them to rely more on smart work post hard work is done to score better in the upcoming CBSE Class 10th and 12th board exams 2018.