CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam 2018 is scheduled for tomorrow i.e. on March 16, 2018. Candidates are iterated to check the previous years’ sample papers and toppers’ answer sheets released by CBSE online. The most trivial of all issues is how to manage time during the ongoing test. Candidates end up leaving many questions in CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam blaming on it being lengthy.
We cater to such candidates by giving them tips to manage their time effectively while attempting CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam 2018 this year. Students must carefully go through the tips and tricks mentioned herein to attempt the CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam wisely this year and fetch more marks.
CBSE Class 10th Science Exam | Tips To Crack Test & Fetch More Marks
The first ground rule is, answers in CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam must be attempted in proportion to the number of marks allotted to the question. The detailed marking scheme of ‘CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam along with Sample Papers’ can be checked herein.
The test paper of Science shall be divided into two major sections which can further be segmented according to assigned ,marks to each question forming a group that forms our second rule. The Section A mainly consists of all types of one marker, two, three to five marker questions as we proceed from Question 1 to Question 21.
The same shall be attempted accordingly with appropriate usage of technical terms which is third tip for which marks shall be awarded by the evaluator. The Section B of CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam 2018 basically consists of activity based questions which needs an extensive practical and knowledge based questions.
CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam 2018 | How To Attempt Test Wisely
Candidates are given first fifteen minutes as reading time of the question paper. The CBSE Class 10th board reading time starts from 10:15 am. Candidates must go through the entire CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam 2018 question paper thoroughly in five minutes.
Later, they must start attempting Section : B consisting of 2 marker questions 6 in number. This would spped up their attempt of CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam 2018. This section should be over by 10:50 in writing as well. Also, post this candidates shall begin with five marker and three marker questions in CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam 2018.
Candidates should complete these question by 12:45 pm and attempt one marker questions in next half and hour. Save last fifteen minutes for revision and omit silly mistakes committed while attempting the CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam 2018. Candidates can score high in Section-B.
For this, our next trick is to go through all the activities and experiments in the Science textbook that must be taken seriously with enough practice on sample papers for getting the gist of type of questions that would be asked in CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam forming our next rule. The official link to CBSE Class 10th Science Board Exam 2018 sample papers along with marking scheme is available on CBSE website. All the best !