According to the latest notifications posted online on the official website of the CBSE, the renewal process for the CSSS scholarship has begun. As per the official notifications, the last for applying for the renewal of the CBSE CSSS scholarship that is Central sector scheme of scholarship for college and university students is announced to be 15th December 2017. The students who passed out 12th board exam in the years 2012, 2013, and 2014 are considered eligible to apply for the scholarship renewal.
CBSE CSS Scholarship Renewal | The Amount Granted by the Board to Students
All the students who have passed the 12th board exam with at least 60 percent marks in the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 can apply for the CBSE CSSS scholarship renewal on or before 15th December 2017. CBSE has also instructed all the students to submit the hard copy of the application by the end of the December that is 31st December 2017. Also, the students who are eligible for applying for the renewal of CSSS scholarship have to have at least 75 percent of attendance and a good disciplined reputation.
The amount to be granted under this scholarship renewal has been decided according to the duration and the type of graduation. As per the decided amount by CBSE to grant to the students who apply for the renewal of their CBSE CSSS scholarship, the amount to be granted to the students who are in their graduation degree is Rs. 1000 per month for 3 years and for those students who are in their post-graduation will be granted Rs. 2000 per month for 2 years. This amount will be granted to the students once their application gets accepted by CBSE board.
All the students who are eligible as per the eligibility terms of the CBSE can apply for the scholarship renewal on or before 15th December 2017 as that is the last date set by the CBSE board and the last date to submit the hard copy of the same application is declared to be 31st December 2017. All the students are advised to fill their application carefully. Also, in the conditions mentioned by CBSE, the students who apply for the renewal of the CSSS scholarship should not have any other scholarship benefits.
Source – Indian Express