CBSE Exams 2018 | Here’re Some Tips for Students to Score More & Prepare Well

The annual board examination the Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) is just around the corner and majority of students must have started getting pre-examination jitters too. The hunger of the students who will be appearing for the class 10th and 12th ICSE board examination 2018 must have faded away and they must be having sleepless nights due to anxiety and peer pressure of scoring high in their examination.

Well, then students there isn’t any sure shot mantra or shortcuts in life to score 90+ in the board examinations but yes, there are a few tips, if followed religiously can lead you to score well in the exams. These tips are small but important methods to boost your morale, enhance your memorizing power and to keep you calm and poised throughout your exam preparation and later on too. 

Tips to score highest in CBSE board exams 2018

 Work on your weaknesses

Find out your weaknesses and try to overcome it. Look out for mistakes that you are committing each time when you are attempting a mock test or during the pre-board examinations.

Challenge yourself

Give a challenge to yourself that this is the toughest question that I am going to attempt and try to do the self scoring. Keep a tap on all the marks you have attained in your previous mock tests. Don’t hesitate to reward yourself with your favorite comfort food every time you feel you have done better than the previous time. This activity will keep you motivated.

Stay away from social media

Whatsapp, Instagram or Facebook could be your Bae but only during your leisure time. They can distract you from your daily study regime and even lower down your concentration levels too. So, take a break from all these distractions and focus on the foundation of your career, first.

Attempt & solve previous year question papers

Solving questions of the previous 10 years is the key to success. This practice of attempting the sample papers will be a revision to what you have learned so far and will give you a chance to have an idea of what kind questions can come in the CBSE board examination 2018 and what kind of pattern has been followed by the board. This is also the best method to solve your problem if any you are facing during the preparations for the exam. 

Learn to manage time

Time management is another important point to keep in mind. While attempting sample papers or undergoing mock tests, keep track of the time that you are devoting to each question. Start a stopwatch and try to attempt easier questions first so that ample time is left to attempt questions that seem difficult.

Focus on Syllabus

Keep your focus on the syllabus and prepare accordingly. Theoretical subjects like English, Hindi, Social Sciences can actually fetch you good marks as compared to the subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and Computers.

Clarity in writing

It is very important to write clearly and in good handwriting. Don’t forget that the examiner who will be checking your copy will appreciate any sort of overwriting or crisscrossing on the paper. Try to explain each answer, pointwise in bullet form and underline the important words so that it gets highlighted. Students of science subjects are advised to support their answers with a diagram, chart or figures to make it look more impressive and clear.

Eating right & sleeping well

Though exam preparation is a time of peer pressure and anxiety, it can be lowered by eating a balanced diet and taking a sound sleep.

We hope you will follow these tips and will score high marks in your CBSE annual board examination 2018. We wish all the students all the best for their papers.


Yamini S. Verma

A dreamer and a go-getter, this is how she defines herself. With seven- plus years of experience in Journalism, Yamini has worked with various publications in print and online. With an inclination towards photography, she dreams to go on around the world tour someday and capture the beauty of nature through her lens. You can write to her at
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