Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) invites online application for class 10 and 12 private exams 2018. CBSE is conducting private examinations 2018 for those who want to give improvement and compartment for class 10 and 12. The CBSE class 10 and 12 private exams for improvement and compartment will be held in March 2018 while interested candidates can apply for it online.
Eligibility & fee structure for CBSE class 10 & 12 private exam 2018
Candidates who failed in class 10 or 12 CBSE board examination can appear for the improvement or compartment examination 2018. All those who are applying for the same will appear as private candidates in the board exams March 2018. To apply online for the CBSE class 10 & 12 private exams 2018, check out the eligibility, fee structure and other details in the Annexures of www.cbse.nic.in.
Talking about the fee structure, candidates will be paying a fee of Rs 900 for five subjects. November 27, 2017 is the last date to apply online and submit. Candidates can pay Rs 180 for an additional subject for CBSE private exam 2018 plus Rs 80 for practicals and projects. Visually impaired candidates of All India Scheme and Delhi Scheme are allowed to write examination without paying the fees.
Candidates, who had appeared in the CBSE Board examination in 2017, will get their details auto-generated online for private examination 2018. Meanwhile, those who had appeared in CBSE Board exams 2016 or prior to that will have to give away their details on the application form. Those with wrong information and documents will be rejected.
Admit card for CBSE class 10 & 12 private exams 2018
The application process and downloading of admit card for CBSE class 10 and 12 private exams 2018 is online. Candidates other than Delhi region will have to download admit card online. The admit cards will be made available in February 2018 at CBSE’s official website www.cbse.nic.in. However, candidates of Delhi region will be intimated through a letter with all the details of the examination centre and date sheet that will be uploaded on the official website of CBSE in January or February 2018. After which, the candidates can take their admit cards from the examination centre allotted to them.
Source: news18.com