Central Board Of Secondary Education i.e. CBSE has proposed to revise detention policy and reintroduce Class 10th board exams from the year 2018 onwards. CBSE which is the education board for the higher secondary school education has proposed recent amendments in rules and regulations for all the CBSE affiliated schools from the next academic session of 2018.
The amendments proposed by the CBSE board in the norms still lie in the discussion phase while final decision and implementation shall take sometime which is most likely to be incorporated in the existing CBSE norms from the year 2018 onwards. Read on to check more details regarding detention policy & reviving Class 10th board exams by CBSE from 2018.
CBSE Revises Detention Policy For Class 5th & 8th Students | Know More About Revised Norms
In one of the revised norms, CBSE has urged the educational institutions to revise their detention policy for the students studying in Class 5th and Class 8th in CBSE schools. Earlier, students & teachers used to put in more efforts as the focus lied on education and simultaneously on detention of students if they give poor performance in the final exams of Class 5th & 8th.
Since, the detention policy was withdrawn, the result graph showed declination. Reinstating the detention policy would definitely improve students’ performance and a teachers’ accountability in schools affiliated with the CBSE Board. Also, this led to poor performance of students who were being promoted to next classes despite of their sad performances in previous classes with low grades secured by them. The Union Ministry had issued proposition wherein 25 states have given their consent in favour of reinstating the detention policy in CBSE affiliated schools for students studying in Class 5th & 8th.
CBSE Revives Class X Board Examinations From 2018 On | Check Details Here
The circulars officially issued by the CBSE board to all the affiliated schools have made recent revelations about the CBSE urging to introduce amendments in favour of children and betterment of school curriculum adopted under the able guidance of the CBSE board by various educational institutions.
For Class 10th final evaluation, CBSE has introduced to conduct the board examinations again like the previous pattern. A central common exam paper shall be set by the Central Board of Secondary Education for all the school students studying in Class 10th of CBSE schools. This shall bring in parity in results and exam papers taken by the students studying in different institutions at a pan India level.
Any student who fails to clear these exams, shall be considered as detained in the class as against current norms wherein they are promoted. Students though shall get a subsequent chance to work on and improve the score by appearing for a re-test or an improvement exam which is also set by the CBSE board before actually detaining the candidate in a particular class. For more details, follow the CBSE norms available on the official website.
Source : NDTV
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