CBSE 2018: Central Board of Secondary Education has been ordered to say no to bags and homework till Class 2 in Schools strictly from 2019. Madras High Court has ordered CBSE to strictly make their affiliated Schools to follow the rule of No Bags and No homework till Class 2. As of now, no notice has been rolled out by the CBSE to the affiliated schools regarding the same.
Central Board of Secondary Education has been looking forward to reducing the burden from small kids. Check out the details of No bags and no homework rule to be implemented strictly in CBSE Schools from session 2019 onwards below.
CBSE Board Affiliated Schools to go No Bags and No Homework till Class 2
The Madras High Court has asked Central Board of Secondary Education to ensure the implementation of no homework rule in the affiliated Schools from 2019 onwards. In 2004 only CBSE notified the Schools to go no homework and no bags for Class 1 and 2 stduents. But till the time, some CBSE Schools are avoiding the same rule and practicing the homework for Class 1 & 2 students.
Now, Madras HC has now taken the same strictly and has ordered CBSE to make sure that the affiliated Schools follow No homework rule till Class 2. Also, HC has advised CBSE to take strict action against the Schools opposing the rule from 2019 onwards.
Even NCERT To look forward on to the Same
As per the CBSE affiliation bylaws under the clause 3.3(C), Central Board of Secondary Education affiliated School must satisfy the Advisory Board by following no bags and no homework rule till Class 2. Even it has been stated by the HC that NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) also look after to the same from 2019 onwards. As NCERT has been the academic authority of CBSE Schools from Class 1 to 8, it’s a work for them as well to look on to the same.
Some more rules regulations have to be formed by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) to make it easy for the students to grab the syllabus. But firstly, it has to be ensured that whether the previously formed rules are implemented or not in the Schools in 2019.