Chandigarh’s infamous rape case of a 10- year- old girl has now taken a new twist after she had delivered a baby girl last month. The recently done DNA tests reported that the minor was repeatedly raped by her two maternal uncles, of the which, the younger one impregnated her.
During the initial investigation in the rape case of a 10- year- old girl from Chandigarh, police had suspected her elder maternal uncle to be the father of her child. But now, on the basis of the fresh DNA test reports, the truth has been henceforth brought in front of everyone’s eyes.
The curious case of a 10-yr-old rape victim from Chandigarh
At the time of trials in this Chandigarh’s most amusing rape case, the DNA samples of her newborn did not match with her elder maternal uncle. Though, the court has held her elder uncle responsible for assaulting, the 10- year- old girl, repeatedly. The victim, who was unaware of the fact that her maternal uncle impregnated her, had become a case of the national issue, where the Supreme Court of India rejected her abortion plea.
The 10-year- old rape victim, who gave birth to a baby girl via Caesarean operation last month, complained of stomach-ache to her mom. The girl was then examined by the doctors who declared pregnant. The parent of the victim filed a report in one of the police stations of Chandigarh, where after the victim’s maternal uncle was nabbed by the police who had allegedly raped the girl. When the DNA report of the newborn didn’t match with the accused, victim’s younger maternal uncle was then arrested.
Whereabouts of the newborn in Chandigarh minor rape case
All the DNA tests were performed at the Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL) located in Mohali near Chandigarh. Till date, when the rape victim had given birth to a baby girl at Chandigarh’s Government Medical College and Hospital, Sector 32, has not been told that she had become a mother. The family and doctors have told her that she had a stone in her stomach, for which she had operated.
On the guidelines of the apex court who had refused the rape victim to undergo abortion due to a life, had given away her illegitimate daughter to an orphanage in Chandigarh. The orphanage will take care of the newborn till it finds a foster home for her.