The ripple effect caused by the SC’s orders on liquor ban has taken the entire Chandigarh in its stride in shutting down businesses and employment opportunities for many. Re-routing NH21 to revive the businesses back in atleast Sector 35 and Sector 43 Chandigarh was proposed but all in vain now. Shattering down hopes of many hoteliers who were waiting for the re-routing to be done, UT Chief Engineer dismissed all such rumours and clearly stated as to no such re-routing would be done in Chandigarh.
Why was Re-routing of NH 21 proposed?
Re-routing of NH-21 was proposed by MP Kirron Kher in Chandigarh when hoteliers met her with the troubles caused by the SCs orders in their businesses. Kirron Kher in her statement said that the routes shown by the NHAI and UT department were different and called in an inquiry to take up the matter seriously and at priority for the losses borne by these people were way beyond imagination. Also, re-routing the highway could have saved a lot of employment opportunities for people who earned their bread and butter from the places. Approximately, 2000 people have lost their jobs as a part of the ruling that has shaken the entire nation with its verdict.
What officials have to say?
- MP Kirron Kher stated as per the data procured by RTI, the route of NH 21 as shown by NHAI ran from the famous Tribune Chowk to Sector 47 and 48 roundabout which then takes a right towards the dividing road Sector 39 and sector 56
- On the very same note, UT Chief Engineer takes on the responsibility and said that the information got shared in an inadvertent manner and bore no relation with what was actually shared
- Ministry of Road Transport and Highway (MORTH) senior officials claim that since 2001 they have been requesting UT Administration to re-route the highway
- The highway construction cost around ₹50 crore as a central fund and still had no use as heavy vehicles found it difficult to move on narrow width roads
- Also, problems posed by the gurudwara boundary wall which hindered the road plan got demolished after 15 years of highway construction
- Such impending routes and delays have posed major issues to MORTH and also no such re-routing took place as per recommendations
- Re-routing would not only lead to opening up of all the closed liquor serving restaurants and hotels but also the following
- It would permit uninterrupted smooth traffic flow via other routes for heavy vehicles
- Anyway, UT Administration doesn’t allow movement of heavy vehicles from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm which leads to heavy losses in transportation
Fate of 40 restaurants & 2000 employees at stake
Not realising as to how many people it is rendering jobless and how many businesses are suffering massive losses from it, SC’s orders have numbed everyone, be it owner, worker or buyer. The decision taken by the government has been the cause of concern for many. In one such dismissal, routing, re-routing, banishing, abolishing and banning takes place and one ruling takes a toll on many lives.
What one can do in such a case ? Rise above and beyond or simply sit back and accept? Either of the two won’t help because one rule decided the fate of many and we are simply helpless in present times of toughness and harshness in the air.
Source: HT
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