Chandigarh is shivering with cold as the city records a temperature which is colder than Shimla. The minimum temperature in Chandigarh during the month of December 2014 has broken 28 year old record. It was on Saturday that the maximum temperature in city beautiful was recorded at 9 degrees Celsius and the minimum stayed at 7 degrees which is 12 degrees below the normal temperature.
Chandigarh compared to Shimla & Dharamshala
Chandigarh has seen the minimum temperature dropping down to 1 degree Celsius in the past years but this is the first time when the maximum temperature has touched to a lowest of 9 degrees. The maximum temperature in the nearest hill station of Shimla was recorded at 16.6 degrees while that in Dharamshala was recorded at 14.4 degrees.
In the past years the lowest maximum temperature recorded in Chandigarh for the month of December was 15 degrees which has fallen to 9 degrees before Christmas in the year 2014.
What the MET department says:
The MET department has said that Chandigarh will be under a cover of dense fog for the next couple of days. The weather would be cloudy and there would no sun showing up in the city for few days at a stretch. Residents have been advised to keep themselves warm and cosy. Chilly winds blowing from Himalayas are one reason for this drop in temperature.
Shimla, the nearest hill station to Chandigarh had a snowfall last weekend. Even the snow covered Shimla is not as cold as Chandigarh. If these conditions prevail, Chandigarh might get actual snowfall in the coming years. In the mean time, tourists have thronged Chandigarh and Shimla to witness the cold. A travel agency in New Delhi said that Chandigarh and Shimla were the favourite tourist spots for Delhites during the winter season.
Stay indoors. Take hot beverages and enjoy the winters in Chandigarh.
Source: Chandigarh Tribune