The district court of Chandigarh on Wednesday rejected the plea of a 10-year-old rape victim to abort her 30 weeks pregnant fetus. Though the Indian court did not agree to allow the rape survivor to medically terminate her pregnancy as she is 30 weeks pregnant but the doctors are concerned over the health condition of the little girl who herself doesn’t know that what rape exactly means.
Chandigarh district court rejects abortion of 10-year-old rape victim
The doctors at Chandigarh’s Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Sector 32, who will perform the delivery of the 10-year rape survivor are of the opinion that it will be absolutely difficult to perform the normal vaginal delivery of the girl as she is still small and her uterus hasn’t grown enough to accommodate a fetus. In fact, a C-section delivery will also be almost to impossible and it can endanger the life of the rape victim.
What will doctors do to abide by the Chandigarh court’s verdict
A panel specialist doctors and head of the forensic department had a meeting to come to the conclusion that why can’t abortion be performed for this 10-years old rape victim. The reason being, Supreme Court of India doesn’t allow any woman beyond 26 weeks of pregnancy to go for abortion as it can endanger the life of the mother.
However, whatever be the consequences, the doctors of Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Sector 32, are planning to abide by the verdict of what Chandigarh District Court has passed. The doctors will now go ahead with the natural delivery or will take up the caesarian method of delivery if the need arises, depending on the situation at the time of delivery.
The 10-year old rape victim, Pinky (name changed) belongs to a Nepalese family and was raped by her maternal uncle multiple times. The family of the girl came to know about her pregnancy when she complained to stomach ache earlier, this year. The accused in the rape case was arrested after the formal complaint filed by Pinky’s mother.
Apart from this, the parents of the 10-year old rape victim and the doctors were thinking of the unborn child and its adoption by the Missionary Of Charity in Chandigarh.