The Education Department of Chandigarh Administration has started a project named “Street to School” where children begging on city roads, working as domestic help, working at construction sites etc. will be admitted to government schools in the city.
Similar projects have been started by various NGO’s all across India but what makes this project special is that children will be under strict supervision. All details of the child and his parents will be registered and the officials of Chandigarh education department will make sure that the child does not skip classes. In such a case, police help may also be taken.
According to the Education Department officials, from April 2015, you’ll not see any child begging on city roads or working as labour during the school hours. Chandigarh is one of the first state/UT of India to implement this “Street to School” project on a strict basis.
According to child mapping survey, there are around 4000 to 5000 children in Chandigarh who have never attended school or have left it. Kamlesh Kumar, Director, said that the students will be given uniforms and books free of cost. A special training will be imparted to such students so that they develop a habit of attending the school. If any student stops coming to school, a further action on child’s parents/guardian will be taken.

Chandigarh has a literacy rate of 86.77% which is higher than the all India average literacy rate. A lot has been done in India to impart education to slums and children of poor parents. A scheme of mid-day meal is also there but still children do not go to schools. This step “Street to School” campaign by of Chandigarh Administration will surely be followed by other states in the recent future.
Source: Times of Chandigarh