Chandigarh. Recently, a survey by the ICMR-INDIAB was conducted which contained data and stats related to diabetes. As per the report, the City Beautiful-Chandigarh which is an epitome of cleanliness and happiness has emerged as the diabetic capital of India. Earlier, in a hesitating and doubtful distinction, India was known to be the diabetic capital of the world but as per the public reports and data, China has been entitled as the diabetic capital of the world.
It is disheartening to come across the fact that the diabetic rate in Chandigarh has increased leading to the highest in the country which is a result of numerous reasons and factors.
Chandigarh – The Diabetic Capital of India | Check Relevant Data
Community-based surveys are conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research – India Diabetes (ICMR-INDIAB) so that appropriate state, as well as national-level data, is collected and formulated in context to diabetes as well as other metabolic NCDs which are prevalent in India. The main motive is to obtain the prevalent rates of diabetes which are prevailing in India and as per the most recent survey conducted by the ICMR-INDIAB, the City Beautiful-Chandigarh has surpassed all other states as well as Union Territories to top the last by attaining the highest diabetic percentage of around 15 percent.
Irrespective of the fact that Chandigarh has the highest rate of the per capita income as well as the literacy rate which sums up to 98 percent, a considerably high rate of the diabetes percentage was observed in the recently conducted survey. The increased rate of diabetes in Chandigarh is an issue of concern and necessary steps should be taken in order to curb down the rate in Chandigarh.
Increased Diabetic Rate in Chandigarh | Reasons & Measures
An alarming increase in the rate of urbanization taking place along with the increased levels of the consumption of food items that are high in calories, large-scale adaptation of an all the more stationary lifestyle which does not involve any physical movement or exercise which further results in obesity, are the main reasons why the diabetic rates are on a rise in Chandigarh thus making it top the list with the maximum percentage of 15 percent. Also, the economic transition from lower socio-economic strata to a higher one has played its part increasing the diabetic rate in Chandigarh.
In order to curb the diabetic levels, various kinds of drives and camps should be launched which not only discuss the alarmingly increased diabetic rates but also indulge in the conduction of various kinds of programmes and talk sessions which provides people with the required pieces of information, tips & suggestions. The need of the hour is also to promote physical activity and exercise and lower down other issues like cholesterol and hypertension as well.