Chandigarh Ferozpur train has been the latest addition for Chandigarh Railway Station by Northern Railways. This new train will run from Chandigarh to Ferozpur via Ludhiana and Moga on a daily basis. A demand for this train was put up by the residentsĀ a long time back. Here are all the essential details about Chandigarh-Ferozpur train:
Chandigarh to Ferozpur Distance = 237 Kilometers.
Chandigarh to Ferozpur Train Fare = Rs. 45.
Number of Coaches = 12. (All General Bogies)
Train Number = 14613 and 14614.
Timings = Train will start from Ferozpur railway station at 7 am and reach Chandigarh at 11:45 am.
Evening train will start from Chandigarh railway station at 4:30 pm and reach Ferozpur at 9:30 pm.
Other Stations on Route = Mohali, Samrala, Ludhiana, Jagraon, Moga and Talwandi Bhai.
The train will halt at Ludhiana for 15 minutes.
Earlier, the train was started as a holiday special train in year 2014 but was discontinued even after a good response. Now, the announcement of this train comes as a great relief to passengers travelling between these stations.
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