After failed attempts to retain the region’s best and meritorious sportspersons from representing other states like Punjab and Haryana, Chandigarh Administration has decided to introduce a new “Sports Policy” for the city athletes to reward them with facilities like good job opportunities, felicitations, awards, recognition etc. Unlike other states like Punjab and Haryana, athletes from the city beautiful Chandigarh never had such facilities before which even showed it in their performances. To avail better facilities, they used to represent other states which in turn was a huge loss in terms of “Human Resource” to the Chandigarh as a city.
Why the Decision of New Sports Policy in Chandigarh?
Athletes and Sportspersons from Chandigarh city lagged behind their contemporaries belonging to other states like Haryana and Punjab for the reasons cited below, the decision long impending in nature had to be taken at war footing.
- States like Punjab and Haryana provides better facilities to sportspersons
- Better infrastructure to practice along with good players to compete in other regions
- Chandigarh lagged good infrastructure in sports and other necessary amenities
- Infiltration of Chandigarh-based athletes to other states a major issue
- No rewards in terms of job opportunities and accommodation
- No cash prize felicitation for deserving candidates in Chandigarh
New Sports Policy in Chandigarh, Highlights
Adding the new sports policy of Chandigarh into the Constitution of Sports Council, Chandigarh Administration looks forward to the decision with utmost optimism in its kitty. Here are the details as to what the new sports policy in Chandigarh has to offer its “Young Milkhas”.
- Bringing in the best in class sports facilities in the Chandigarh city
- The new sports policy to come up in the month of July
- The rough draft of the new sports policy in Chandigarh city ready
- Rough draft prepared in parallelism with the policies of Haryana and Punjab
- The 10-member committee to preside the entire new sports policy of the city
- The unorganised sports system to provide better facilities to city athletes
- Local players and sportspersons to enjoy better facilities and good exposure
- Added amount of transparency in the functioning of the sports system in Chandigarh
- Greater emphasis on the infrastructural development in the sports
- Synthetic tracks for running and indoor sports facilities to take up the lead
- Not only players but coaches to be benefited too in terms of inter-departmental promotions
As suggested by the Union Home Ministry approximately two decades ago, i.e. in the year 1997, the long impending decision to frame a meagre “Sports Policy” for the young players in the city is a blot on the functioning of the Sports Deptt. of the UT Administration.
All is well that ends well. The wait is finally over and all we hope and pray is that the retention of players to represent the city beautiful Chandigarh as their home city in sports to happen the way it is supposed to be boosting up their morals and giving them a reason good enough to outshine and bring laurels to the city beautiful Chandigarh!
Source: TOI
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